cowardism (cowardism)
2014-02-07 23:59:08Hi, I'm quite new on PTT and I just found this board directly upon
The controlling function was so puzzling that it made me broke into a few
articles and pressed whatever I just pressed, inadvertently. I apologize!
Looking forward to acquainting friends on this board, penpals or real life
friends, that doesn't matter. I'm male and optimistic, that's all you need to
know. For further information(or should you like to make friends with me),
please email me at Reggiehsu111@gmail.com
Haha, this is the first comment(or status?) I post here, can't wait more to
meet you guys!
Oops, how can I send it? Oh, there it is...
楼主: cowardism (cowardism) 2014-02-08 00:03:00
mistyped, "resignation" should be "registration"QAQ