smartart (smart)
2013-12-03 13:19:02"I can see ghost, I am bleeding out , I have to get in jail"
Last night, just a moment. I think of him- Codi
already two years... time flies ..!
We met in a chat room, then we started to talk. It seems eveything just normal.
until we talked about the religion ..
"You know what?my house have demons ...they always hurt me"
Wtf?How could that possible?"really?show me some pictures"I asked
"Okay.."the picture seems took at the ladders and I only can see some white
lights cover some part of the picutes. Codi started to explain about ghost and
deman's different."deman they hurt people. sometimes demons they just slam the
door and mess everyting up even hurt me!"I was speechless but only comfort him.
Codi-a guy who maybe drug too much, I don't know what should I believe when he
told me something about himself and what he did.
He worked as a roof builder, and he lived alone.
I think he is pretty rich, when he said coz his work and he didn't spend many
money. also he went to cell for a while. he showed me his new motocyle when
he bought one, he bought a new house which pretty luxury...
I don't know if that's true through.
then one day. he told me that his head got hit by accident when he was working.
then he shows me the pics of his scar and sew.
and next day while we were texting.
he said his wounded start bleeding.....
and more ..he started to feeling dizzy. another side that I just tell him call the
ambulance and I was really scared.
then he took a pic of the bathroom which full of blood.damn that was scary.
All I can do was just keep texting him. in case he pass out.
It's like 45 mins later, he stoped text and few hours later I got a message
"Who are you?""I'm the nurse and Codi already okay now. he told me that I have
to reply you and you almost save his live"
yeah , is that possible? I was doublt ...but if he was really okay then I'm
relief, I don't care if that's fake or what.
Soon seems Codi get his phone back, he start texting me tell me about how
boring hospital is,but I insist that he has to stay until his doctor let him go
and sometimes we talked shit like the nurse always seduce him blablabal...
Once he said it's snowing there. and I said I never seems show so maybe show me
if possible. later he sent a video which he was opening the winder in hospital
and he's sayin "Hey smartart, now I'm opening the window for you, see?? snow!!"
I was so excited when I seeing this video!
Then somehow we stop talking after he left hospital, I got a boyfriend.
and he does too. it's like this guy never show up in my life.
and last night, I think of him-Codi,a mystery guy.