smartart (smart)
2013-11-15 00:41:46"I'm a player, I just play around...so don't like me" he said.
"M" is a guy who always smells so nice.
"How the heck a man can smells so good?!"every time I asked myself when we met.
I can hardly remember where and how we talked to each other actually.
"he always smiling,being funny and just looks like a big boy"
that's what I think about M at the first place.
We really had a good time. we cook with friends, then somehow we decided to
study together.
Then that's how it happend. "shady relationship" I'd say that.
On my b-day I asked M came to my room to check my homework.
To be honest I just wanted his accompany that day.I just can't help myself thin
king of him.
and he brought a dozen of beer and my gift with a b-day card.
We had a wonderful night though.
Everything seems so perfect.
He asked me after few days "I'm sorry that I have to ask you a stupid question"
"of course. bring it on.."
"Do you have HIV?" Da fk.I though "Are you serious?"
"Yeah..I having sick and night sweat..and some features so I dont' know if.."
"But we didnt' have sex!!" Damn you must be kidding me...
"Okay.. so you dont' have HIV?" ......
Then after that we just see each other three or four times, no more hug dramas.
How come I will pass HIV to you without kissing and having sex...you dumbass..
"I'm a player I just play around so don't like me"
"I know..I won't.." coz I'm playing as well.
"A guy with beautiful eyes, charming smile, good smell, you will be remembered"
楼主: smartart (smart) 2012-01-17 23:37:00
Thanks henry, how sweet you are.