pugboy 2013-10-25 10:27:24I feel everyone help me but I just like someone great Steve jobs saing stay hungry
stay foolish but I misunderstood it meaning. cuz I made so many worng things
and I'm very sorry a lot of people like I use other name to made bad things
give others people troubles. and so many people help me but I don't cature
opportunity it hesitant characters harm themeselves&self&family I don't know
how to do right now.
thanks so many people and most most be care of me it's my mom I hope she
don't worry about me. I hope she can have good body health and my dad he can
get rid of bad a habits. and my sister hope she can work successfully.
by the way may be this time is my life end that I writed this article may be
can let other people saw.
remember really like river follow time a little disappear I only money can let
other people use because I no abbility can help other cuz I help myself fauil
shit I say what. I ought to think I how to help other because this is paradom
I study a pirod of master degree look other classmates few talk with me I think
maybe I few talk my ma ba and sister this is all back to engery toward me but
other side I think is so cool cuz like Inception movie the main actor Lee and
other panenr same.
right now I have to thing I what to do can help corporation and schoolwork.
Final if you want to learning computer skill can find me I can introuction
computer courses for you ^^