Hello, everyone
This is the first time I wrote something with you guys. I am serving
in the army in Jimen. Actually I will discharge from the army in 15 days
it seems perfect, but I feel irritated right now. Why do we need to
serve in the military?? I know it's compulsory in Taiwan, however
I always think what I've learned in the past 10 months? Nothing!!
Especially there are some "corrputed" people in the army...
I don't understand them and they don't really care about us..
Only one thing they can do is dominating people and ordering some
unreasonable things....
作者: f53186318 (SpongeBoB) 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Nothing is good thing. I like Peace
作者: lawrqv 2013-09-18 11:24:00
military can learn nothing for sure.
Ghamu (猫丸)
2013-09-18 11:58:00You can tell the AppleDailly the corruption.You know, after you finish your army service, you becomethe person who pay tax for their salaries.I did something like that about the regulation. Even Iknow somebody didn't agree with me or viewed me weirdI still do it. The people you meet in the army servicewill have loose relation with you.
aguey (aguey)
2013-09-28 18:39:00you have to do sth for your country!!
作者: guess1994323 2013-09-28 22:33:00