[文法] 请益一句

楼主: night72 (u04wu/6)   2023-08-01 08:29:40
Flipping through her high school yearbook evoked many a poignant memory of yes
查线上字典时候看到的,想请教 many 接 a 的这种用法为何是对的。
作者: peter98 (新兵)   2023-08-01 11:34:00
many a = a large number of 不常见 这个是文学用的字一般文章甚至报纸也都不容易这样用小说就能看到
楼主: night72 (u04wu/6)   2023-08-01 13:14:00
作者: ppm467 (GoodTimber)   2023-09-02 04:38:00
"Many a" is but a poetic flourish, harkening back to the days of yore when language flowed with a grace allits own. "Many a" can be considered an idiom, which combines "many" with "a" (meaning "each" or "every"). Asif painted by a painter, these words are combined inan elegant manner that evokes a sense of nostalgia andelegance. Thus, the phrase "many a poignant memory" invokes more than just a few memories, but rather a multitude of memories, all of which are steeped in sentimentality. It is a charming flourish in the realm of language, much like a sonnet verse that plays with meterand rhyme. This type of twist in language adds a layer of depth and musicality to the words, which resonatewith the hearts and minds of readers, as a high school yearbook does.

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