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楼主: night72 (u04wu/6)   2023-07-25 10:27:22
Whether we win or not, what vital is that we should put athletic mentality in
1. 上面"or not" 与 "or lose"是一样意思吗
2. athletic mentality 一定要写成sportsmanship吗
作者: imsphzzz (大法师)   2023-07-25 13:37:00
楼主: night72 (u04wu/6)   2023-07-25 14:26:00
作者: imsphzzz (大法师)   2023-07-25 18:52:00
作者: peter98 (新兵)   2023-07-31 08:31:00
Regarding the outcome, what vital is that we shouldstick to the sportsmanship勘误: Regardless of才对 刚打太快
作者: ppm467 (GoodTimber)   2023-09-02 06:00:00
1.Sportsmanship is more important than winning, regardless of the outcome.2.What matters most is that we should put sportsmanship into our racing, regardless of whether we win or lose.3.We should always treat our competitors with sportsmanship, regardless of whether we win or lose.4.Sportsmanship is important in races regardless of whether we win or lose.5.Sportsmanship is more important than winning in races.6.The most important factor is that we should conductourselves with sportsmanship whether we win or lose.

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