[请益] 这段句子是什么意思

楼主: panjanhon (天下没有白吃的午餐)   2020-06-28 22:17:20
'Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others
that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been
would have appeared to them to be otherwise.
这段文章取自Alice's Adventure in Wonderland
请问这段文章中间有一堆that what的
作者: cuylerLin (cuylerLin)   2020-06-28 22:31:00
查了一下有关这句话的背景,作者Dodgson似乎喜欢用这种看似反反复复的逻辑陈述语句,而且可能参杂了口语用体跟写作用体(相较起来符合文法或syntax的要求),因此去仔细分析这段话的文法本质上没有意义(nonsensical),神通之后(多念几次),大概可以看出意思是stay true toyourself之类的,找到一个中文翻译的版本,请参考:https://imgur.com/Sr0Wfo3修正一下,应该是书中的Duchess角色设定喜欢逻辑陈述XD
作者: exempt (123)   2020-06-29 00:02:00
stay true to yourself XDDDDDDDD 错得离谱...
作者: sadlatte (伤心拿铁)   2020-06-30 03:17:00
很复杂 你可以多估狗看看https://www.researchgate.net/post/What_does_this_sentence_in_Alices_Adventures_in_Wonderland_mean这本书出了名的喜欢玩文字游戏 有时候还用文法错误凸显一些荒谬之处 很有趣的书 感兴趣的话可以估狗网络上的分析 不然推文要花很多时间呢...

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