※ 引述《dongkee (非想)》之铭言:
: 本论文主要探讨双向快速充电行动电源的设计,经由 USB Type-C接口提供最高15 W功率
: 的双向快速充电行动装置。硬件线路设计是采用Type-C侦测芯片与整合型升降压电池管理
: 芯片,透过微控制器Arduino Pro_Micro对锂离子电池进行充电与放电功能的控制。对于
: 拥有USB Type-C接口的充电器、手机、平板…等可携式充电装置,可以达到15 W (5V3A)
: 快速充放电的效果。
: 软件开发的部分是采用Arduino IDE(Arduino Integrated Development Environment),
: 其相关语法浅显易懂,网络上有很多公开分享的资料可以学习。所以让一般的使用者或开
: 发者可以掌握自己的技术跟想法,不再局限于市售厂商制式的软硬件规格,而进行客制化
: 。
In this research, a design for bidirectional fast-charging power bank based on
Arduino is proposed. Through the USB Type-C port, the power bank can supply up
to 15W of power output. An Arduino Pro_Micro Microcontroller is used for the
hardware architecture which controls the Type-C detection chip and the
buck-boost power management chip for charging and discharging 5V3A
lithium-ion batteries. The power bank can be used to charge devices which
support the USB Type-C interface, such as mobile phones, tablet computers or
other smart devices.
The software is developed using Arduino Integrated Development Environment
which allows programming with easy-understanding syntax. Arduino is open-source
and there are many tutorial resources available of the Internet. Developers can
customize according to their needs instead of being restricted by software and
hardware specification from standard manufacturers.
老实说中文就不太顺了 光看中文部分就想打枪
abstract是用来简单说明你的研究 不是介绍开发工具