[请益] 天下杂志中的一段话

楼主: humbler (兽人H)   2017-07-31 22:32:12
A Maserati showroom is not out of place on the third floor of Bangkok’s most
upscale shopping mall, which buzzes with a constant stream of patrons on a
Thursday afternoon. Directly across from the luxury automobile showroom is a
brightly lit OPPO store.
1.out of place 我是翻成不适合
2.buzz 嗡嗡响,在这边的意思为何?
3.constant stream of patorns 赞助人稳定的流动?
作者: dunchee (---)   2017-07-31 23:14:00
1 http://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/out-of-place指的是那个show room(的装潢,里头的车等,整体看起来)不会和 那个高档Mall(的装潢等,整体看起来) 不搭/不搭配/(白话点)不搭嘎2 http://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/buzz-> 3 ... 发挥一下想像力。那地方人多(人多,活动自然多,毕竟不是全部躺在那睡觉安静无声)->“声音”多 ...剩下的你自己想像buzz 本身是拟声词buzzzzzzzzzzzzzz https://youtu.be/0V78Ah4p_1M3 http://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/patron-> 3 .... 顾客 (注意看紫色标签)
楼主: humbler (兽人H)   2017-08-01 07:00:00

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