[请益] more of ......,more of......用法

楼主: chi47 (心在哪成就在哪)   2016-03-03 00:39:15
有一句 Jenny is more of a feature writer,I am more of a straight news writer

是中间省略 than的文法吗?
作者: dunchee (---)   2016-03-03 01:03:00
至少你有给剧名--(所以我知道)这是对话,不是书本书写文字。真的要用文字纪录下对话的话,那么要是下方这样:Jenny is more of a feature writer. I am more of astraight news writer.真的要很机车的话:Jenny is more of a feature writer than a straightnews writer.I am more of a straight news writer than a featurewriter. 日常对话不会这样子囉唆。你“看到”的若是字幕,那么这本来就不是应付“英文考试” 若影片是"网络"上来的,那么字幕很多时候是fan made这类的有很多错误http://learnersdictionary.com/definition/more找 more of
楼主: chi47 (心在哪成就在哪)   2016-03-03 09:00:00

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