这是我在BBC看到的文章,里面的一小段 Gone are the days when all men had to think about was wearing a nice suit to be smart and handsome. 我大概知道gone are the days是倒装 不倒装:The days when all men had to think about was wearing a nice suit to be smart and handsome are gone. 翻译感觉是 "人们必须思考是否穿着合适的衣服让自己看起来聪明和帅的日子已经过了" 我不懂的是think about 后面为什么可以加 was wearing? 思考了很久,还是没找出头绪,不好意思,感谢大大帮忙~
这是fixed expression,句型固定。你可以用Google找"cleft sentences" http://tinyurl.com/mt5fnlf (打底,然你再继续找)All men had to think about | was | [something] (多种句型之一) [wearing a nice suit to ... handsome](整个是'动名词词组')就是那个something