[资讯] 哀不哀? 英语作文该不该使用 I 为主词

楼主: tengharold (RoadMan_A)   2014-05-14 02:45:02
个问题让大家一直争议不休,就是作文里到底该不该出现 I 这个主词?
(先总结:我个人认为主词 I 绝对有它的必要)
我很快扫瞄一下 Google 前 3-5 项针对 I 的作文建议文章,再加上我个人非科学且不权
何时该 I?
1) (对英文初、中阶学习者很重要) 写不好没有 I 的句子时
多数以我为主词的句子,如果不用 I,都会写成被动,或将句子做大更动。你如果不习惯
被动,或是没有那个把英文句子做乾坤大挪移的自信,那你请乖乖用 I。用 I 写出正确
句子比不用 I 而写出错误的句子好太多了。
I ate that apple => the apple was eaten by me.
I completed my doctorate under Dr. Chandrasekhar => My doctorate was
completed under Dr. Chandrasekhar.
2) 个人分享时
作者有时会分享他的个人经验,这时不用 I 有点奇怪。
I was a captain in WW2, and it was bloody from beginning to end.
I spent three weeks travelling in Eastern Europe, and it was so much fun!
3) 建立个人专业/权威时
当你要建立你讲话的资格时可以用 I。这包括应征时的 cover letter,bio 等 (英文
resume 时常忽略 I 主要是省字,而且 resume 这个独特的文体也不太接受 I)。
I led the sales team to three consecutive years of 10%+ topline growth.
I won three research awards and co-authered several seminal papers published
in both Science and Nature.
I am the lead ballerina at the Moscow Ballet, and spent my entire life
training in classical dance.
(注意 resume 极少用 I) I was a volunteer at the homeless shelter, and was
awarded "best volunteer of 2013" => volunteer at homeless shelter, awarded
"best volunteer 2013"
4) 厘清不明朗的句子时
有时英文被动句会让人搞不懂状况,那干脆改回 I 主词算了,条理清晰比卖弄文笔好上
5 papers were written, 3 were co-authored, and 2 edited, all by me => I wrote
five papers, co-authored 3, and edited 2.
5) 厘清你个人的定位
As a registered Democrat, I am offended by the corruption scandal that has
gripped this party.
6) 希望与读者/听众建立联系时
在写信或演讲稿时 I 与 you 都很常用
I remember well how we used to sit by the river, sip lattes and talk about
the world.
I was born here, I was raised here, and I am now living here; your worries
are my worries, your problems are my problems, and your fears are my fears.
Elect me and I will make sure Washington hear your worries, solve your
problems, and calm your fears.
那何时不该 I 呢?
1) 学术文章尽量少用 I,因为学术文章一般是用来陈述事实及研究结果等,多 I 是画蛇
添足。但应参阅“何时该 I”之2、3、5项。
My analysis suggests... => the analysis suggests...
from the data, I have established a clear correlation... => a clear
correlation can be established from the data...
I observed an inexplicable shadow in the image, and this piqued my interest
in the field (何时该I之2)
As an oncologist with 20 years of experience, I was discouraged by the lack
of systematic analysis on the efficacy of chemotherapy (何时该I之3、5)
2) 你算哪根葱 - 没人要听你的意见时 (用 I 反而会弱化你的论点)
除非人家刻意征求你的意见 (what is your opinion on...),你的职责就是提供意见的
顾问 (律师、法官、医师等),你的文章表述的完全是你的个人意见 (如读者投书、社论
等) 等状况,一般应避免使用 I think, I believe, in my opinion 等词,因为这会弱
In my opinion, the company should immediately expand into Eastern Europe =>
Sales data and research both suggest that the company should immediately
expand into Eastern Europe.
I believe the police acted brutally and violated the protesters'
constitutional rights; eyewitnesses saw... => The police acted brutally and
violated the protesters' constitutional rights; several eyewitness accounts...
(例外: It is the court's opinion that in this case the police acted brutally
and violated the protesters' constitutional rights = 本庭认为...)
Q: What is your opinion on the situation in the Crimea? A: I think Russia is
orchestrating referendums in the region.
3) (先前讲过) Resume 几乎没有 I,因为要省字,而且 resume 文体也不太接受 I。
作者: pigsosmall (小朱)   2014-05-14 03:55:00
作者: vicario837 (维嘉里欧)   2014-05-14 10:01:00
我也推这篇 不过被动式不一定非得写by me啦 而主动时如果是发表研究成果会用we 毕竟不会是一人实验室我个人在写personal statement时 个人重要经历时会用I的主动 如我受到什么训练 我有什么专长 我是什么的发现者等 但提到研究成果则是主被动参杂写 也比较有变化 大部份用被动 然后部份用We当主词讲研究成果
楼主: tengharold (RoadMan_A)   2014-05-16 02:31:00
对呀,近年来academic writing越来越常用 I, we 等主词我个人认为完全被动型态的 paper 有点落伍 XDDD

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