conpo (狮子たちの旗)
2018-10-22 13:45:582018.10.16
Classic99 is a freeware TI-99/4A emulator for Windows 9x.
Classic99 runs most stuff fine:
- More filesystem debug
- Added ability to set Program Counter (disasm page)
- Added better description of file header mismatch
- Added better detection of TIFILES header
- Fixed broken host text file fixed/variable determination
- Commented out speech and dac warning debugs (they don't help)
- Print one less debug line to window to avoid last line being masked
Classic99 v399.4 Changelog:
- reset more of CRU on menu-reset
- add 9901 timer to the debug register pane
- don't reset the 9901 timer every time you leave timer mode (fix for
- more disk DSR warnings (hate that disk DSR so much...)
- allow the disk corruption break option to catch the DSR warnings too
- update manual for 9901 line