[新闻] (NGPC for 3DS) NeoPop SDL v0.3

楼主: conpo (狮子たちの旗)   2017-06-15 20:57:19
NeoPop SDL is a NeoGeo Pocket Color Emulator for 3DS.
Notes to the alpha release (v0.1)
- The emulator is fully working, but lacks of a gui for changing the options
and loading roms.
- To test the emulator put a rom image in the 3ds SD in the folder
roms/neogeopocket, and rename the rom in rom.ngc.
- Since this is a preview release, it's only in 3dsx format. a CIA buld will
come later.
- Default frameskip is 1. You can increse it wit R button, but leaving it to
1 should be fine
- Source code will be available on my Github when I have time to upload it.
NeoPop SDL v0.3 Changelog
Ver. 0.3 (12 June 2017)
Added a basic menu
Ver. 0.2 (09 June 2017)
Added a basic rom loading interface on startup (changing rom needs exiting
and restarting the emulator)
Added fullscreen toggling
Keypad: directions
A - A Key
B - B Key
START - Pause
L and R - Chage frameskip
作者: emulators (Ωmegamind)   2017-06-16 10:38:00

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