这有片有提到 在使用"P"状态下 可以进去记忆区快里面 (好像有版本限定?) 但是我找到了一样版本 照了影片的方法做 还是没有东西 有大大知道是什么方法吗? 英文原文如下 A similar glitch can be achieved in World 7-1. If the player has a P-Wing and crouches above the first hidden box containing a 1-Up, Mario or Luigi will pass through the pipe to the right, and then reappear on the left side of the screen. This glitch was removed in Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 by moving the 1-Up one tile to the left. 需要ROM档请在推文索取 我再站内信