Re: [闲聊] Dolphin放弃32bit的版本?

楼主: RuinAngel (左)   2014-05-24 00:07:07
※ 引述《choan (八房龙之助)》之铭言:
: Ten years ago Dolphin was a very limited program designed to run in only one
: environment. It was a 32-bit Windows application that required Direct3D 9
: with no alternatives. A lot of things have changed since then as Dolphin has
: expanded its goals. The emulator has become much more robust over time with
: support added for 64-bit Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD, and even Android
: phones and tablets!
十年前 Dolphin 还是个功能不多的程式,设计给唯一的环境使用─32 位元的 Windows
系统和D3D 9。十年来很多事情都改变了,Dolphin 的目标也变得更广了,功能性上也在
加入了支援 64 位元 Windows、Linux、OS X、FreeBSD 甚至 Android 手机和平板后更
注:32 位元以下简称 x86、64 位元简称 x64
: Sometimes though, changes must be made. Some choices require months of
: preparation, discussion, examination, while others are inevitable.
: Maintaining features is a balance between cost and reward. The cost being
: development time, maintenance, debugging, bandwidth, money and more, with the
: reward being a better, cleaner experience for our users. The reward was
: obvious for 4.0.
: Well over one third of our Windows downloads for Dolphin 4.0 were the 32-bit
: variant; a huge share of our userbase. Despite that, we still find ourselves
: at a crossroads just a few months later.
虽然超过 1/3 的 Dolphin 4.0 版下载量都是 x86 版本,面对这么大的用户群我们还
: Why consider dropping 32-bit builds?
为什么是不再更新 x86 版本?
: The Dolphin Emulator team is constantly searching for ways to improve the
: development pipeline. From the insane to the mundane, hundreds of ideas will
: come and go every year as for how to make things better. But the past few
: months have seen a reoccurring theme: 32-bit builds break, and many of the
: developers question its worth.
x86 版本总是有问题,很多开发者质疑她的存在价值。
: Windows XP has been unsupported for months
我们已经停止支援 XP 好几个月了
: Dolphin has already dropped Windows XP support. With a little under 10% of
: our users still using the OS, Windows XP was a significant share of our
: users, but at the same time the team made a decision not to let any
: particular OS hold us back. The only reason for dropping XP support is
: because the latest Microsoft Visual Studio Compiler doesn't support Windows
: XP. The aging operating system's days were numbered simply by that, and once
: the move was made to C++11, there was no going back. The unintended side
: effect to that drop is that Dolphin no longer supported any operating systems
: that were primarily 32-bit. Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 8 are all designed
: for 64-bit.
目前约有近 10% 的使用者是使用 XP,但我们不愿意被单一作业系统拖住脚步。决定性
的关键是 XP 不支援最新的 Microsoft Visual Studio Compiler。我们换到 C++11 开
有个副作用是专为 x86 设计的系统都不支援了,不过 Vista, 7, 8 都是 x64
: Dedicated 32-bit processors are very outdated and cannot run Dolphin at
: playable speeds
x86 CPU 都是古董了,没一个能打的,没办法把 Dolphin 跑出能玩的速度
: On the hardware side of things, x86_32 processors died a long time ago. It's
: only thanks to Microsoft selling 32-bit versions of their operating system
: that any sizable number of Dolphin users need 32-bit builds at all! Since
x86 CPU 早就 GG 溜,要不是微软一直卖 x86 版本的作业系统,我们早就不用
支援 x86 了!(换句话说很多使用者是用 x64 cpu跑 x86 系统玩 Dolphin)
: 2003 when x86_64 processors debuted, the newer architecture has proven itself
: far superior to the original specs it was based off of. Any computer that
: needs 32-bit due to memory constraints or processor limitations simply won't
: run Dolphin at usable speeds, so what use is there in supporting it? Any
2003 年亮相的 x64 cpu 的架构好太多了,还在用 x86 cpu 的系统跑 Dolphin 速度
: computer that can run Dolphin is already using a 64-bit processor.
: Dolphin's 32-bit builds are not indicative of the Dolphin experience
: Most programs can have 32-bit builds and 64-bit builds without trouble or
: more commonly host only 32-bit builds and let 64-bit users use it as well.
: For those programs, the benefits of 64-bit don't matter much at all, and the
: end users need not worry about any of it!
: This is not true with Dolphin, where some games still do not run full speed
大部分的程式跑 x86 或是 x64 刻意去支援使用者是感觉不出来差异的
但在 Dolphin 上原生 x64 的优势差别非常明显,特别是有些游戏还无法全速进行的
: on any existing configuration. Dolphin sees very important and observable
: benefits in its 64-bit builds! With a 64-bit address space, Dolphin can
: reserve a 4GB area that maps to GCN/Wii memory boosts performance greatly
: and, more importantly, 64-bit has twice as many registers. This brings the
: emulator much closer to the number of registers to that of the PPC processor.
: Plus, since 64-bit is large enough to fit the DSP's 40-bit registers, it can
: run DSP JIT (Just In Time) recompiler for a nice speedup. 32-bit has to fall
: back on the CPU-intensive interpreter functions for most DSP instructions. In
: addition to all of that, compilers even generate better code thanks to the
: ability to do 64-bit memory operations without needing special alignment.
: In preparation for this announcement, we did thorough performance testing to
: compare 32-bit builds and 64-bit builds with no idea how they would actually
: turn out. While we knew that 32-bit was a little slower, the results were
: shocking.
用 x64 的寻址空间,Dolphin 可以用 4GB 的空间去 map GCN/Wii memory,大幅提
升表现,同时 x64 有 x86 两倍的 register,更接近 PPC processor 的 register
数量... (都是技术性的东西翻来翻去名词大概都会用原文,干脆略过XD)
: Maintenance
: One of the more annoying aspects of 32-bit Windows support is that the
: operating system lacks critical features for development. This means that
: menial changes that work on other other platforms break it again and again.
: For Dolphin's Just In Time Compiler (JIT), that means making special code for
: 32-bit builds all the time. This is not only is frustrating, but also stunts
: development as it slows down developers and prevents them from undertaking
: projects in the first place!
x86 系统支援起来最麻烦的是它缺少一些重要的开发功能,所以一些别的平台没有的
问题会在 x86 系统上层出不穷。像 Dolphin 的 JIT 就要一直为 x86 版本写专属的
: Worse yet, there is a severe lack of testing on the 32-bit builds. For 100
: revisions, there were a total of zero issue reports despite the fact that
: 32-bit builds were totally nonfunctional! This makes it harder for developers
: to figure out what broke the builds, and forces them to go back into old
: projects that were already considered complete.
更悲剧的是,x86 版本的测试超少,改版了一百次居然零个问题回报,而且这版本根本
: There is also the case of compiling the builds themselves. Windows requires
: twice as many buildbots thanks to requiring 32-bit support, taking twice the
: space and using twice the processing power of our servers. To put it simply,
: it has become very difficult to maintain 32-bit builds. This even causes
: confusion among many users; according to advanced statistics gathered from
: the downloads page, more than 60 percent of the 32-bit downloads are done by
: 64-bit OSes. The majority of 32-bit users are 64-bit users needlessly using
: an inferior build!
x86 版本占用很多资源维护,造成服务器和使用者的困扰。
最新的数据显示,超过六成的 x86 版本是由使用 x64 系统的使用者下载的,所以大部
: In Conclusion
: 32-bit support is one of Dolphin's oldest features. But just like D3D9 before
: it... times change. 32-bit has become a weight around all of our necks,
: slowing down users and developers alike. With the 32-bit userbase shrinking
: quickly, the builds becoming harder and harder to maintain and the benefits
: dwindling, the developers have decided to discontinue the 32-bit Windows
: buildbot, and cut away 32-bit support entirely. 32-bit ARM devices are not
总之 Z>B,我们要跟 x86 Windows 说掰掰了,x86 ARM 平台则会继续维护。
: affected by this decision and will continue to be supported. For loyal users
: that are stuck on 32-bit Windows machines, the current builds are not going
: anywhere and will be archived permanently, and Linux is a free 64-bit
: operating system with full Dolphin support.
至于还在用 x86 Windows 的朋友,Linux x64 免费唷,好 Linux 不换吗?
: For any console, emulation progresses in stages. First is initial support,
: grasping at straws fighting for even basic functionality. Then comes playable
: games. As time progresses, accuracy and compatibility become the goal. And
: finally, it reaches enhanced emulation, where emulation is not only accurate,
: but improved upon through advanced features like netplay and HD graphics. In
: all other consoles that have been emulated, each of these stages was
: fulfilled by a different emulator. But for the GameCube and Wii? Dolphin has
: fulfilled them all. It is the freedom to change and grow that has allowed
: Dolphin to continue to evolve and grow in this manner. Shedding hindrances,
: cleaning code, attracting new talent; Dolphin excels at these things,
: allowing it to grow and evolve in ways no emulator before has ever achieved.
: Removing 32-bit support is just one more step on this journey.
Dolphin 好棒棒,请大家继续支持
舍弃 x86 支援式进步必要之恶~
作者: jeff0811 (jeff)   2014-05-24 00:20:00
作者: silver00 (Seeker)   2014-05-24 01:39:00
作者: eva19452002 (^^)   2014-05-24 05:13:00
作者: dansha   2014-05-24 06:59:00
一开始是模拟GAMECUBE 当然比Wii早几年
作者: s8321414 (冥王欧西里斯)   2014-05-24 07:10:00
推GNU/Linux x64
作者: vincentpp (文森)   2014-05-24 09:58:00
作者: O800092000 (漸升中醫診所)   2014-05-24 10:14:00
作者: wenen (天空骑士---湛蓝羽翼)   2014-05-24 11:35:00
作者: Jedidiah (哪里有FFXI的私服程式T_T)   2014-05-24 11:51:00
sorry, 请问啥是 Z>B?
作者: jeff0811 (jeff)   2014-05-24 11:55:00
作者: Jedidiah (哪里有FFXI的私服程式T_T)   2014-05-24 12:29:00
谢谢楼上, 我没去过八卦版 :P
作者: remina (南瓜太郎)   2014-05-24 13:12:00
Z>B 学运期间的用语,已经变日常了吧
作者: tint (璇月)   2014-05-24 16:32:00
NGC的开发代号就是Dolphin 然后Wii主机的架构是延续NGC
作者: lokuji (わけがわからないよ)   2014-05-24 17:26:00
作者: Famicom (ファミコン)   2014-05-25 10:12:00
这个情况在自由软件界很常见 Fx取消Modern版也是因为回报数量过少....Opera在转引擎后取消书签的理由也是"回报的资讯显示使用频率低"
作者: norlan17m (又得等三个月)   2014-05-25 18:47:00
作者: djboy (雞尾酒)   2014-05-26 10:24:00
作者: conpo (狮子たちの旗)   2014-05-27 21:24:00

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