[闲聊] Dolphin放弃32bit的版本?

楼主: choan (八房龙之助)   2014-05-22 22:44:30
Ten years ago Dolphin was a very limited program designed to run in only one
environment. It was a 32-bit Windows application that required Direct3D 9
with no alternatives. A lot of things have changed since then as Dolphin has
expanded its goals. The emulator has become much more robust over time with
support added for 64-bit Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, FreeBSD, and even Android
phones and tablets!
Sometimes though, changes must be made. Some choices require months of
preparation, discussion, examination, while others are inevitable.
Maintaining features is a balance between cost and reward. The cost being
development time, maintenance, debugging, bandwidth, money and more, with the
reward being a better, cleaner experience for our users. The reward was
obvious for 4.0.
Well over one third of our Windows downloads for Dolphin 4.0 were the 32-bit
variant; a huge share of our userbase. Despite that, we still find ourselves
at a crossroads just a few months later.
Why consider dropping 32-bit builds?
The Dolphin Emulator team is constantly searching for ways to improve the
development pipeline. From the insane to the mundane, hundreds of ideas will
come and go every year as for how to make things better. But the past few
months have seen a reoccurring theme: 32-bit builds break, and many of the
developers question its worth.
Windows XP has been unsupported for months
Dolphin has already dropped Windows XP support. With a little under 10% of
our users still using the OS, Windows XP was a significant share of our
users, but at the same time the team made a decision not to let any
particular OS hold us back. The only reason for dropping XP support is
because the latest Microsoft Visual Studio Compiler doesn't support Windows
XP. The aging operating system's days were numbered simply by that, and once
the move was made to C++11, there was no going back. The unintended side
effect to that drop is that Dolphin no longer supported any operating systems
that were primarily 32-bit. Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 8 are all designed
for 64-bit.
Dedicated 32-bit processors are very outdated and cannot run Dolphin at
playable speeds
On the hardware side of things, x86_32 processors died a long time ago. It's
only thanks to Microsoft selling 32-bit versions of their operating system
that any sizable number of Dolphin users need 32-bit builds at all! Since
2003 when x86_64 processors debuted, the newer architecture has proven itself
far superior to the original specs it was based off of. Any computer that
needs 32-bit due to memory constraints or processor limitations simply won't
run Dolphin at usable speeds, so what use is there in supporting it? Any
computer that can run Dolphin is already using a 64-bit processor.
Dolphin's 32-bit builds are not indicative of the Dolphin experience
Most programs can have 32-bit builds and 64-bit builds without trouble or
more commonly host only 32-bit builds and let 64-bit users use it as well.
For those programs, the benefits of 64-bit don't matter much at all, and the
end users need not worry about any of it!
This is not true with Dolphin, where some games still do not run full speed
on any existing configuration. Dolphin sees very important and observable
benefits in its 64-bit builds! With a 64-bit address space, Dolphin can
reserve a 4GB area that maps to GCN/Wii memory boosts performance greatly
and, more importantly, 64-bit has twice as many registers. This brings the
emulator much closer to the number of registers to that of the PPC processor.
Plus, since 64-bit is large enough to fit the DSP's 40-bit registers, it can
run DSP JIT (Just In Time) recompiler for a nice speedup. 32-bit has to fall
back on the CPU-intensive interpreter functions for most DSP instructions. In
addition to all of that, compilers even generate better code thanks to the
ability to do 64-bit memory operations without needing special alignment.
In preparation for this announcement, we did thorough performance testing to
compare 32-bit builds and 64-bit builds with no idea how they would actually
turn out. While we knew that 32-bit was a little slower, the results were
One of the more annoying aspects of 32-bit Windows support is that the
operating system lacks critical features for development. This means that
menial changes that work on other other platforms break it again and again.
For Dolphin's Just In Time Compiler (JIT), that means making special code for
32-bit builds all the time. This is not only is frustrating, but also stunts
development as it slows down developers and prevents them from undertaking
projects in the first place!
Worse yet, there is a severe lack of testing on the 32-bit builds. For 100
revisions, there were a total of zero issue reports despite the fact that
32-bit builds were totally nonfunctional! This makes it harder for developers
to figure out what broke the builds, and forces them to go back into old
projects that were already considered complete.
There is also the case of compiling the builds themselves. Windows requires
twice as many buildbots thanks to requiring 32-bit support, taking twice the
space and using twice the processing power of our servers. To put it simply,
it has become very difficult to maintain 32-bit builds. This even causes
confusion among many users; according to advanced statistics gathered from
the downloads page, more than 60 percent of the 32-bit downloads are done by
64-bit OSes. The majority of 32-bit users are 64-bit users needlessly using
an inferior build!
In Conclusion
32-bit support is one of Dolphin's oldest features. But just like D3D9 before
it... times change. 32-bit has become a weight around all of our necks,
slowing down users and developers alike. With the 32-bit userbase shrinking
quickly, the builds becoming harder and harder to maintain and the benefits
dwindling, the developers have decided to discontinue the 32-bit Windows
buildbot, and cut away 32-bit support entirely. 32-bit ARM devices are not
affected by this decision and will continue to be supported. For loyal users
that are stuck on 32-bit Windows machines, the current builds are not going
anywhere and will be archived permanently, and Linux is a free 64-bit
operating system with full Dolphin support.
For any console, emulation progresses in stages. First is initial support,
grasping at straws fighting for even basic functionality. Then comes playable
games. As time progresses, accuracy and compatibility become the goal. And
finally, it reaches enhanced emulation, where emulation is not only accurate,
but improved upon through advanced features like netplay and HD graphics. In
all other consoles that have been emulated, each of these stages was
fulfilled by a different emulator. But for the GameCube and Wii? Dolphin has
fulfilled them all. It is the freedom to change and grow that has allowed
Dolphin to continue to evolve and grow in this manner. Shedding hindrances,
cleaning code, attracting new talent; Dolphin excels at these things,
allowing it to grow and evolve in ways no emulator before has ever achieved.
Removing 32-bit support is just one more step on this journey.
作者: wenen (天空骑士---湛蓝羽翼)   2014-05-22 22:54:00
YAA,刚好上周重灌,换Win 7 64bit了~~
作者: RuinAngel (左)   2014-05-22 23:20:00
作者真认真写这么多解释,但总归只有三点1. x86 硬件已死多年2. x86 跑不动 Dolphin3. x86 问题多多且很多东西不支援,修不好又拖进度
作者: Linkey (Linkey)   2014-05-23 00:09:00
作者: remina (南瓜太郎)   2014-05-23 00:21:00
作者: lokuji (わけがわからないよ)   2014-05-23 01:59:00
作者: jeff0811 (jeff)   2014-05-23 02:04:00
作者: wenen (天空骑士---湛蓝羽翼)   2014-05-23 07:40:00
作者: RuinAngel (左)   2014-05-23 08:45:00
作者: remina (南瓜太郎)   2014-05-23 12:14:00
作者: RuinAngel (左)   2014-05-23 12:28:00
楼主: choan (八房龙之助)   2014-05-23 12:37:00
Xbox One,PS4都是X86架构.....(跑)
作者: OPWaug (哼哼)   2014-05-23 12:45:00
从模拟器发展来看 x86真的已经到了瓶颈能拉升的效能很有限以前pcsx2也曾考虑放弃x86环境但因为使用者还是居多所以就继续硬干 至于游乐器的例子不能对着模拟器看 定位方向不同处理的方式当然也会不同
作者: wenen (天空骑士---湛蓝羽翼)   2014-05-23 12:51:00
Xbox One、PS4都是采用AMD Jaguar架构APU,是64bit处理无误,http://www.techbang.com/posts/165461应该说X86指令集有16、32、64位元等版本,Xbox One、PS4的处理器就是64位元版本
作者: eva19452002 (^^)   2014-05-24 05:15:00
作者: tint (璇月)   2014-05-24 16:36:00
楼上:我们现在用的x64是x86-64 也就是从是x86架构去扩充出的64位元指令集 http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/X86-64
作者: eva19452002 (^^)   2014-05-24 21:50:00

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