Yunk (桥)
2021-03-03 21:04:11另一篇相关的外文新闻:
When it comes to getting an “OH MY GOD!” fan response, the end of
WandaVision’s fifth episode was an all-timer for MCU fans, when Wanda’s
brother came to visit – except he was played by Evan Peters, who portrayed
Peter Maximoff/Quicksilver in the X-Men films, not Aaron Taylor-Johnson, who
played Pietro Maximoff/Quicksilver in the MCU.
Regarding getting to pull off this huge moment, Shakman said, “I was so
super excited. I’m a huge fan of Evan and he’s amazingly talented. I was
thrilled that we were able to make that work. That was an early idea that we
had to really make sure we did right. It was thrilling to get him in the
When it came to keeping Peters’ presence in the show under wraps, Shakman
noted, “We had to hide him under capes and towels and all sorts of stuff to
keep that secret for as long as we could. We didn’t quite make it to airdate
with that secret a secret but we did our best!”
We now know Agatha possessed someone to play the “part” of Pietro, but we
still don’t know who this person is. Is he someone in the MCU we’ve never
met before – with Peters’ casting serving as a meta in-joke for the
audience – or is this truly Peter/Quicksilver from the X-Men films,
transported into the MCU via multiverse shenanigans?
上面这几段前一篇翻译新闻都有 故不再另外翻译
When I passed on OliverMichaelWest‘s question on whether we might get a firm
answer on who “Fietro” is in the finale, Shakman simply replied, “I think
there’s a strong possibility you might get a little more of Evan Peters
coming up. But how that plays out, I wouldn’t want to say.”
"最后一集有非常大的可能还会有Evan Peters的戏份
至于接下来的发展呢? 我还不想说"
对照Kevin Feige的说法
※ 引述《CYKONGG (XXX)》之铭言:
: #雷/内容涉及《汪达幻视》剧情
: 《汪达与幻视》导演谈选角过程与提前曝光
: https://i.imgur.com/7mMvN59.jpg
: 自从伊凡彼得斯的“快银”惊喜现身《汪达与幻视》以来,坊间不晓得已经爆出多少个新
: 理论,其中最多人发想的,当然就是“彼得斯的角色是否替MCU提前打开一扇通往多元宇
: 宙剧情线的机会之窗?”
: 【 魔高一尺道高一丈 】
: https://i.imgur.com/AY7Raq1.jpg
: 近日,影集导演迈特薛克曼在受访时,专就彼得斯的选角做出解释。首先,薛克曼谈到剧
: 组是如何努力防止彼得斯的选角提前曝光:“我们采取了所有可能的步骤来预防选角曝光
: ,不过显然我们做得还不够好,因为最后还是提早被曝光了。”
: “对于我们无法成功阻止彼得斯的选角消息提前曝光这件事,我真的觉得很呕。不过正如
: 你所了解的,我们当初就是觉得他是最棒的选角,而且他本人也做了各种预防曝光的措施
: ,像是被整个人包在斗篷中或是藏在厢型车里等等所有可能手段偷渡进片场。”
: 【 彼得斯选角过程 】
: https://i.imgur.com/2tRzslQ.jpg
: 至于找彼得斯演出“快银”这个角色,正如之前漫威总裁凯文费吉所说的,其实是在影集
: 早期发想阶段就已经底定了的选角计画。
: https://i.imgur.com/myuk08L.jpg
: “这个决定是在影集发展的早期就已经决定的了,以他们能够接受的角度而言,我们的问
: 题是,谁来敲汪达家的门会为她带来很多的悲恸情绪?还有,阿嘉莎也会让观众知道她正
: 竭尽全力想获得更多资讯。”
: 【 开启多元宇宙? 】
: https://i.imgur.com/Wu43Nyq.jpg
: 最后,当然是漫威粉丝最关心的焦点话题:彼得斯的“快银”是否代表了MCU已经正式踏
: 入多元宇宙新领域,抑或只是一次选角上的巧合而已?对此,薛克曼则是卖了个关子:
: https://i.imgur.com/LiUMt9M.jpg
: “那得再找个星期一我们再来好好聊一聊了。”不过导演口中的星期一可不一定就是下个
: 星期一,有可能是《蜘蛛人:无回之战》(暂译)之后的星期一,也有可能是《奇异博士2
: :疯狂多元宇宙》之后的星期一,总而言之就是天机不可泄漏啦!
: https://reurl.cc/V3zYVn