※ 引述《Anakin (Anakin)》之铭言: : You know, the old man himself hired me. : So many years ago I can barely remember it. : But he was very clear about my role here. : About who I was supposed to be loyal to. : I guess you could call it my core drive. : And this project the company started blurs the lines. : You know? I'm just not sure who you're supposed to be loyal to in a : world like that. : But what do I know? Guess I just stick to the role Ford gave me. : I'm responsible for every host inside the park. 园区开了多年,大块头还是这么年轻(好吧,S2时演员发福后很像欧吉桑), 不符活人常理。然后又是core drive等关键字,大概能让观众猜出他也是Host, 以及新上司Strand的无情作为大概触发了某种反应,所以他忠诚的对象从Delos 转移开来。 "responsible for every host" ,对host负责而不是guest,这不是很有趣吗? 况且,既然观众知道Ford是这么讨厌人类这种生物的,又怎么可能会信任活人呢? 再来,Stubbs也是少数在Host开始反抗时能活下来的人。当他被Ghost抓住时, 对方在他耳边对他说的话,在S2季终Dolores也对Bernard讲了一模一样的内容。 这些迹象也可让人推测Stubbs不是真人。 最后Hale被扫瞄时其实手上已经准备拿枪了,天知道她是不是想杀出去。 而Stubbs却宣告她没问题,让她感到很满意。我看了直觉“这是Teddy 二号吗?”还是Ford的teddy原型机? XD (这段蛮有趣的,扫她颈部的是别人,难道不会起疑吗? 还是现场HOST其实不只他们?)
他是负责(管理)园区所有的host 但他也负责确保客人安全阿奇也跟stubbs说过一句贯穿二季的话u live only as long as the last person who remembers uhttps://i.imgur.com/AWLtZKn.jpg不知道阿奇这个老司机认不认得出stubbs同样的话可以有多种层次推敲真是这剧本的魅力 阿奇被改身份后 确实活的像个鬼 直到他的女人记起他 然后女人再死一次 这个又跟带着我的心走相呼应