Wally West Gets a ‘Flash’-y New Costume for Season 3
Kevin Fitzpatrick | 15 hours ago
The Flash left any number of open questions by its Season 2 finale, among
them the speedster future of Keiynan Lonsdale’s Wally West, who never seemed
to sprout any powers despite a recreation of Barry’s accident. Wonder no
longer, as Season 3 confirms West’s Kid Flash future in a new costume photo,
but how?
The CW released an official portrait of Wally West suited up in a
comic-accurate Kid Flash costume, albeit without any official explanation of
the character becoming a superhero. It’s possible that Barry changing the
past left West as the foremost Flash of our new timeline, given the costume
is said to appear in October Season 3 premiere “Flashpoint.”
Elsewhere of The Flash Season 3, we know Harry Potter star Tom Felton has
joined as a series regular, while Tom Cavanagh has confirmed his return as a
Season 3 regular (as what character remains to be seen), along with Violett
Beane as his daughter Jesse. John Wesley Shipp will also return as the
Earth-3 Jay Garrick, whose identity was confirmed in the second season finale
as the mysterious man in the iron mask, while Kevin Smith will direct the
seventh hour.
Season 3 of The Flash grows ever more mysterious, but what should we learn
from Comic-Con 2016 next week?
Read More: Wally West Gets a 'Flash'-y New Costume for Season 3 Photo |
推 闪点产生了新世界请问j大,照片是从哪里找到的?
speedster 越来越多只了 不知道会不会编坏了
作者: cat05joy (CATHER520) 2016-07-13 22:24:00
ARROW也有一张剧照是超长发版 不知道是RE了 还只是过去
照片黑色的该部会又是老爸吧 还是Pro.Zoom?
ymca8 (QQ)
2016-07-14 01:46:00FLASH越来越重本了xdd
handfox (handwolf)
2016-07-14 02:33:00(cough)Jesse Quick(cough)
payneblue (OldManHall)
2016-07-14 04:50:00S2 未 闪点 s3随编剧自由发挥 希望不要玩坏
作者: larrysu 2016-07-14 06:36:00
换主角了??觉得头套 超怪........
作者: irres ( ) 2016-07-14 12:32:00
Wally的制服真的好丑... 那头套不能好好地全部盖住吗
嗯嗯嗯 我知道原著极速者有很多,我的意思是希望编剧不要因为加入很多个以后,剧情反而编弱了
OLafk (OL挂网 老板很开心)
2016-07-14 15:14:00放心 剧情在弱只要一直连动/加新角就会忽略ARROW就是忘记这招上一季才会被骂翻
zl102513 (WildStar)
2016-07-14 16:54:00一看就是瓦力啊... 头套有遮跟没遮一样
OLafk (OL挂网 老板很开心)
2016-07-14 22:07:00蝙蝠侠跟超人也是同道理 XD
LVE (强尼屁股)
2016-07-15 13:11:00黑色的那位有可能是New52的逆闪Daniel West
KKFN (John)
2016-07-16 01:32:00头套是原作漫画中kidflash的特色(遮一半)
pablo1126 (没有钱赚 却被叫赚哥)
2016-07-16 12:20:00很好奇arrow会受到影响吗
sorrojvr (sorrojvr)
2016-07-18 03:00:00要留头发倒不如拿掉下巴 变成眼罩还好看多了