Clinical Information: A 61 Y/O male, recurrent liposarcoma along left psoas and
iliacus muscles s/p salvage op on 2023/1/7, margin positive S/P RT.Comparison wa
s made with CT dated on 2021.04.05 and 2023.08.30 showing stationary residual tu
mor at left pelvic sidewall.Computed tomography of chest, abdomen, pelvis, witho
ut and with IV enhancement (100 ml of Iohexol, 350 mg/ml), axial 5 mm, showed: S
/P Retroperitoneal tumor excsion, colectomy and left nephrectomy. Stationary fat
ty nodules in the psoas muscle (Se3 Im42, 55) with a soft tissue lesion abutting
anterior surface of the lower psoas muscle (3.5 cm, Se3 Im65), consider residua
l/recurrent tumor.Stationary encaosulated fat in anterior left pelvis with direc
t herniation to inguinal canal (Se3 Im71-78).Plate atelectasis in RML.Right rena
l cysts and tiny calyceal stone.Accessory spleen.Ascending colon diverticulosis.
No evidence of mass lesion in the GI tract and abdominal visceral organs includi
ng liver, spleen, pancreas and bilateral adrenal glands. No remarkable pleural e
ffusion. Degenerative change of the spine without evidence of tumor. Impression:
Retroperitoneal liposacoma S/P OP and RT. Stationary retroperitoneal tumour alon
g the anterior surface of the lower psoas muscle, left external iliac extraperit
oneum to the left inguinal canal (3.5 cm, Se3 Im65) .