[请益] 请问这段检查报告的内容

楼主: sing1021 (阿鑫)   2023-02-19 11:55:12
Result:Y Finding: MRI of C-spine without IV-Gd enhancement: *Mild DJD with
loss of normal lordotic curve, discal dehydration, discal bulging and discal
herniation along C-spine >C4-5 Posterior discal herniation with mild
anterior compression of dural sac >C6-7 Mild posterior discal bulging
Impression: As above descriptions
不知道是否有严重到需要开刀 明天才能和医师讨论 蛮担心的
作者: ben0719 (Ben)   2023-02-20 12:20:00

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