angelH0516 (真˙安乔之Maple超可爱)
2020-08-05 02:27:34Okay, so I got pissed tonight.
V said he was hungry and ate my spicy snacks. However, he couldn't bear anything
spicy so he had diarrhea for four times.
And he said, I quote:
"That's because you have no food here, such a disqualified roommate. Lol."
THIS! This really pisses my off even though I know he was just joking.
I am sensitive to certain words.
I hate to be that not-good-enough person for literally everything.
So I went to PX mart to do some shopping with a tinge of anger.
I bought some fruits, drinks and snacks he would like:
potato chips with oyster omelet flavor, shrimp flavor crackers, biscuits sprinkl
ed of salt and pepper, choco pies...... etc.
I didn't even care how much they would cost.
And turned out that I spent almost 1,000 TWD. Lol.
When I got to my rental place, I just poured out all the stuff to bed, and put t
hem into my snack box, which had way over capacity after that.
V laughed.
WTF was he laughing at?
I was furious with the word he described about me.
And then I went to take a shower. Within the time I comprehended how childish I
I should've acted more mature. :(
Lesson learned.