angelH0516 (真˙安乔之Maple超可爱)
2019-11-03 23:04:39Just opened my frig looking for some soft drinks or refreshments to drink, and a
ll I have are cans of beer and a bottle of white wine.
That is so fu_ked up.... I hate my life.
Not much to say these days..... It's still the same: busy working, handling shit
ty stuff, being insomnious & alcoholic.
Oh, I am in an open relationship now.
That's cool, even though I don't know how long it will exist.
He seems to be a nice guy who really cares about me...despite that I can't stand
the smoke.
I don't want to make any commitments & take responsibility in relationships now.
Keep messing around and make myself more miserable....so me.
I've lost my sense of morality since the mental disorder.
Face my life with a YOLO attitude.
Gonna change the sheets, do the laundry and clean up my room tomorrow. I am livi
ng in a pigsty right now, lol.