
楼主: Wolfgang9527 (Madao)   2019-04-17 21:04:42
郭台铭表态参选总统 “妈祖托梦叫我一定要出来”
What is going on?
This President election seems to be a big party more than ever.
Now he joined the KMT right away.
Kuo is exactly more powerful than Han.
People all know that Han's influence only can sway Taiwan.
However, Kuo he can not only play a role in China but have deliveried address
in the front of Trump.
Oh My God!!!
Han's position must be devoured.
Until now he have not done everything so much enough to stand the same line
with Kuo.
It is so suddenly.
I know that someones says Kuo can come out, but even the speakers themselve
didn't take this for something serious at all.
All the same, Kuo took part in the battle. Everything will be changed.
Han's avantage does not subsist any more, because when talking about making
money Kuo's ability is definitely stronger than Han's.
I don't know why?
This election has made lots of politicans crazy.
Let's take a look at the DPP.
Tsai want to postpone the first eletion to withstand Lai.
And then, Wu, Wang, frist
It seemed that the Kmt came by the conclusion to draft Han.
But, Kuo came into the game.
Is there anyone able to talk with me about the reason why even the businessman
who appeared not to have the intention in the beginning have change his mind
in no time beyond all expections without a doubt.
Is there any doctor capable of having a look at them?
It is so farcical.

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