I am busy as a buzzing bee now, so I do it early.
4/5吴韩会登场! 吴:要动脑说服韩选总统
Han has dispayed his mind, and yet Wu seems not to give up any chance to talk
him into joining the election.
There is one thing I can say.
It appear to be a zoo among both sides.
In one side the one is not hoped to take part in the election.
In the other side the one is fored to take part in the election.
This President election must be somehting more interesting than ever.
The incredible mist devours the both sides.
However, I don't really put a premium on that.
I just want to sharpen myself as much as I can.
I get tons of work to do.
Ok That is it.
I think words are enough.
By the way, only one thing I care about is H.
When does she find-hunt-capture the mate she really needs.~"~