楼主: ricky785785 (颗颗)   2018-03-23 03:11:22
as you know
you have a streak of ink on your face
sam has a stubborn strak in him
he was streaked with sweat after exercising
he strode over a ditch
hee has a long stride that is hard to keep up with
zebras have black and white stripes
my grandfather strills along the river every morning
i went fir a leisurely stroll in the woods
there is a structural fault in the building
he stumbled and fell down the stairs
he stumbled over his lines in the play
the trees were cut down to a stump
the answer to the question stumps me
the robber srunned him with a blow to the head
he was stunned him by the gunfire
what a stunning beauty
the tree stands tall and sturdy
the shelf is not sturdy enoigh for the encyclopedia
he stuttered a reply
he replied with a stutter
you can find a varirty of stylish designs in thar shop
she is a famous hair stylist
she woild not submit to being hospotalized
submit your homework on monday
submission of applications is due at noon on friday
he has donated a substanial amount of money to charity
we enjoued a substantial breakfast before going rock-climbing
dr. white made a substantial contribution to science
he is a substitute for the injured player
if you don't drink coffee, you can substitute tea for it
in my experience, the substitutin of gum-chewing for smoking
doesn't work
i packed a suitcas for my trip
the king summoned his sevants to bring his meal
the driver was summoned to appear in court as a witness
i summoned up my courage to conquer my fear
she just received a superficial wound
he has a superficial knowledge of navigation
it's a common superstition that black cats bring bad luck
the islanders are superstitious about old taboos
the foreman has to supervise 400 workers
the project was conducted under the supervision of the manager.

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