sofa89 (sofa89)
2014-08-30 22:57:23S506
Silas, Damon and Jeremy went to find anchor.
Elena went to see Stefan and got stuck in the cabin because of thinking he
slept with Qetsiyah and heard that Damon snapped his neck a couple of times.
Qetsiyah intimidated Damon if he didn't kill Silas, Elena would be dead.
Stefan stabbed Qetsiyah and escaped with Elena after sundown where Silas' spell
wasn't working.
Qetsiyah recovered Stefan's memory.
Travelers wanted Silas' blood to break immortality of the anchor.
Silas found the anchor Amara and saved her.
However, Amara didn't wanted to live anymore so she drunk Silas' blood.
Caroline and Katherine questioned Wes and compelled him.
Katherine impersonated Elena to go to shindig to prove Elena's a human.
For realizing what's wrong with herself, Katherine told Wes who she is and made
a health checkup.
After Silas refused to resurrect Bonnie, Damon make a deal with Qetsiyah to
make Bonnie become a anchor.
Bonnie's still a ghost and she became the anchor.
Silas, Qetsiyah and Amara all died.
Stefan thought the pain would be gone after he killed Silas.
But the answer was no. It was not over.
Katherine knew she's dying from Wes and decided to estrange Nadia.
Jeremy found what the price to make Bonnie be an anchor is.
Jesse escaped from the laboratary after he attacked Wes and asked for help to
Wes told Damon he made Jesse feeds on vampire instead of human.
Elena killed Jesse before he killed Damon.
Damon finally knew Wes belongs to Augustine and was caught. Again.
Gregor's dead because Kathrine expelled his spirits from Matt's mind with a
knife which is th only thing that can truly kill the passenger.
Katherine began to be Stefan's shrink to help him remedy PTSD, post traumatic
stress disorder, as the one'd been ripped newborn baby from her arms by father
and eascaped for 500 years after her all family massacred by Klaus.
After Stefan found Katherine left Nadia a letter, he saved her from suicide.
Katherine, Caroline and Stefan are curing their repective problems.
Because of Katherine's help, Stefan conquered it and slept with her.
Aaron knew the person killed his entire family was Damon.
- Damon's past in Augustin in 1950 -
Damon made a friend in Augustine.
His name was Enzo.
Enzo gave him the reason not to shut off his humanity.
They were working together to escape from jail and revenge.
However, Demon abandoned Enzo in the fire to save his own life.
After that, he started his revenge killing lunatic doctor's every generation.
After Nadia suggested Katherine possess someone's body to keep alive, she found
the one Katherine cared is Stefan not her so she left madly.
Nadia hoped Matt could keep the knife which's significant to travelers for
Katherine and Matt agreed.
Stefan finally knew the history that Damon and Enzo had on the way to save
With Aaron's help, Stefan saved Elena.
Elena heard about her dad and Megan from Wes.
Elena's father was the former maniac doctor who caught vampires as test
subjects and he'd saved Megan's life.
Megan felt something weird and went to this college for investigating vampire
things but killed by Enzo incidentally.
Katherine changed her mind and decided to keep alive in other's body because
of Stefan.