[分享] 奈也安妮 毕业制作动画

楼主: shinechia   2014-03-28 18:34:45
※ [本文转录自 AnimMovie 看板 #1JDKqI6p ]
作者: shinechia ( ChiaBB) 看板: AnimMovie
标题: [分享] 奈也安妮 毕业制作动画
时间: Fri Mar 28 18:21:02 2014
  大家好 我们是极限动画团
  【奈也安妮 What's going on with Annie】
  Annie is a little girl who likes drawing.
  In her room,
  there are always full of her drawing paper
  and other drawing tools.
  There are always such a mess in her room.
  Empty cookie bags, empty cans are all around
  because she is not that good at clean up her room.
  One day, when Annie was drawing in her room,
  one strange sound raised from the bottom of her bed.
  Suddenly, she and her drawing tools were sucked
  into the bottom of her bed……there was another world!
作者: MoLong   2014-04-16 02:20:00

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