※ 引述《EthanLinFoto (Ethan Lin Photo)》之铭言:
: ※ 引述《ithing (请多指教)》之铭言:
: : 因购买sigma镜头(公司货)询问恒伸客服之后
: : 对方客服告知镜头问题没办法解决... 甚至简单回答我两个字:不会
: : 故想向日本sigma求援,但查询网页后 并没有找到日本simga那边的信箱
: : 所以想请教版上是否有直接向日本sigma询问问题的经验
: : 或是有信箱可以提供? 谢谢
: 信箱我有,但我还是建议直接在他们网页留下你的问题,
: 虽然满高的机率会要你跟当地代理商联络...
: 所以如果你会日文有办法直接让他认为你人在日本,或
: 许日本sigma 认真回你的机率会增加不少,
: 抱歉现在要登机网络有点慢,信箱的图片传不上来。
: 3/2~3/4我在横滨CP+,这个问题有机会帮你问问看,如
: 果有其他问题需要我代劳,也欢迎推文提出,至于现场
: 即时状况,我可能会开直播,或是明后天再特别回一篇
: 吧。
谢谢啦 SIGMA日本这边回复的还满快的
至少 让我心死得满瞑目的... XD SIGMA信箱: [email protected]
Dear Mr. XXXX
First of all, thank you very much for being SIGMA user. We really appreciate
that you purchased our 135mm F1.8 DG HSM Art and 24-35mm F2 DG HSM Art.
Our 135mm F1.8 DG HSM Art adopts "Electromagnetic Diaphragm Mechanism". The
Nikon lenses with these feature are called "E type lens". We believe Nikon
F100 does not support E type lens. That is why you could not adjust the
Meanwhile, our 24-35mm F2 DG HSM Art use a traditional mechanical diaphragm
for aperture control, which Nikon F100 should be able to control.
Unfortunately, since this is a mechanical problem, there will be no firmware
update that can fix this issue. We would appreciate your understanding on
Please see the following explanation on our website for your information.
If you have any question, please let us know. Have a nice day!
Best regards,