[情报] 新约基督论就是尼西亚基督论

楼主: df31 (DF-31)   2018-03-31 08:21:24
[email protected]
St Francis Magazine Vol 8, No 4 | August 2012
St Francis Magazine is a publication of Interserve and Arab Vision
In his book The Jesus Papers: Exposing the Greatest Cover-Up in History,
Michael Baigent states that the aim of the Council of Nicaea‘was to get
support for the idea that Jesus Christ was “of one being” with God the
Father, a claim that Arius and others disputed; for them, Jesus was not divine
’ (p. 83). Princeton’s Elaine Pagels dryly observes: “Those who opposed
this phrase pointed out that it occurs neither in the Scriptures nor in
Christian tradition” (Beyond Belief, p.173). In this paper I will argue
that such ideas, which argue that Christ was deified in the Council of
Nicaea, are incoherent and indefensible. They completely ignore three
centuries of written tradition (writings of the Fathers, the New Testament,
tombstones and songs of praise) and oral tradition (which is shown in the
liturgical practices), of both which completely support Nicaea.
Michael Baigent在他的书,耶稣报告:探索历史中最大的骗局中宣称尼西亚大会的目的
就是‘要支持耶稣基督与父神是‘同一个存有(of one being)’,这是亚流并其他人士
所否定的;对于他们,耶稣不是神’(P.83)。普林斯顿的Elaine Pagel干巴巴的观察到
中’(Beyond Belief, p.173)。我将在本文中争辩基督在尼西亚大会中被神化的观念,
1 Jesus Christ: A Deified Man, or an Incarnate God?
Baigent, Pagels and others suggest that Christ's so-called Nicene deification
was due to the direct effect of the Greco-Roman civilization, especially on
the Jewish culture in Palestine. The evidences provided for this idea are
the characteristics or properties given to the Roman emperors, like “the god
”, “the lord”, and “the giver”. For instance, in an inscription dating
back to the third century BC we read, “Ptolemy the savior and god: (希腊文
).” We may see various inscriptions and texts that give the same meaning
and the first question we pose is, could these ideas about divinity be
related to the godhead of Christ? Or, more specifically, was it this sort of
concept that led to the Nicene doctrine of the Word being “of one substance
” with the Father, as authors like Pagels and Baignet have suggested?
属性,就像‘神(the god)’、‘主(the lord)’,‘赐予者(the giver)’。例如
,在一份三世纪的碑文上,我们读到,‘托勒密是救主与神(Ptolemy the savior and
否导致尼西亚关于道与父‘同质(of one substance)’的教义,就像Pagels和Baignet
2 The Theology of Christ’s Incarnation
Against Pagels and other like-minded thinkers, I argue that the theology of
God Incarnate goes far beyond the idea of an “incarnated god”. In biblical
thought, the key concept is related to salvation and redemption, i.e. its
main purpose is redeeming and saving humanity. This theological theme is
seen in the Old Testament and the Jewish rabbinic writings. It completely
and fundamentally differs from the idea of gods’ incarnations in mystery
cults and the Greco-Roman thought. This Biblical presentation, which implies
a soteriological dimension, contrasts with the idea of Christ being deified
in the sense that Greek and Roman humans could be deified; indeed a doctrine
of the “deification of Christ” could not serve the Christian doctrine of
salvation presented by the New Testament and as understood in the Orthodox
肉身的神(an incarnated god)’的观念。在圣经的思想中,关键的观念乃是与救恩和
Christianity is considered a compound philosophy in the shape of coordinated
systems of dogma and liturgical rituals that communicate the Word of God and
his death on the cross as recorded in the Holy Bible. The rituals are nothing
without these dogmatic bases. On the contrary, the bases of the Greco-roman
cults are totally the opposite. Their rituals do not express written texts
or even oral ones, or dogmas or any philosophical justifications. In fact
the Greco-Roman religions are related to rites more than faith. This is
totally different from Christianity, which identifies a communal,
ecclesiastical relationship with God in Christ, made known graciously by God
and appropriated by faith in this message. The dogmas are lived out and
experienced in the rituals of the Church, which in Orthodoxy are called
mysteries (Arabic,
Incarnation was not an aim itself, but it was a means of fulfilling an aim.
This aim was humanity. It shows how incarnation expresses the deepest
relationship between God and man. Because God, who is Spirit, became flesh
for us, so his salvation did not remain purely theoretical—only to be
believed in the heart and assented to in the mind—but physical, to be
participated in. Because of this, Orthodoxy, like Jesus and St Paul, sees no
tension between a strong affirmation of the real, physical rituals of the
sacraments as salvific participations in the Trinitarian fellowship, while
also affirming that salvation is purely gift and grace. Greco-Roman cults
had no way of bringing together these aspects of the human experience—ritual
and faith—because they did not have a way of bringing together the human and
the divine in a man. Orthodox Christianity does.
3 Patristic Testimony and Ante-Nicene Christology
Ante-Nicene Christology was not any different from that of Nicaea, which is
what Pagels suggests. Both are the same and are based on the Biblical
Christology. Two important concepts of this Christology can be found in the
Bible: the concept of Logos (the Word Incarnate) and the concept of the Son
of God.
同,也都根据与圣经基督论(Biblical Christology)。我们可以从圣经中找到这个基督
Here are some relevant verses on the Logos, the Word Incarnate: Mt 5:37,
28:15, Mk 4:15, Lk4:32, 4:36, 5:15, Jn.1:1, 4:37, Ac 6:5, 11:22, Rom 6:6,
9:9, 1Cor1:18, 2:4, 2Cor 1:18, 10:10, Eph 4:29, 6:19, Co. 3:16, 4:6,
1Thes1:8, 2Thes 1:8, 3:1, 1Tim 1:15, 2Tim 2:9, Ti 2:5, Heb 2:2, 4:2, 1Jn
1:10, 2:7, and Rev 19:13.
此处是一些与道并道成为肉身相关的经文: Mt 5:37, 28:15, Mk 4:15, Lk4:32, 4:36,
5:15, Jn.1:1, 4:37, Ac 6:5, 11:22, Rom 6:6, 9:9, 1Cor1:18, 2:4, 2Cor 1:18,
10:10, Eph 4:29, 6:19, Co. 3:16, 4:6, 1Thes1:8, 2Thes 1:8, 3:1, 1Tim 1:15,
2Tim 2:9, Ti 2:5, Heb 2:2, 4:2, 1Jn 1:10, 2:7, and Rev 19:13。
Son of God: the cries of the unclean spirits, and those with evil spirits, “
You are the son of God,” (Mr 3:11, 5:7, Lk4:41) cannot be considered a pagan
influence, but this title reminds us of the texts of Qumran. For example,
codec 4Q246 which is known as Aramaic Apocalypse (dating back to 25 BC) is of
a Jewish origin, and much older than the NT. The text speaks about a man
entitled “son of God” or “son of the High” and “his rule will be an
eternal kingdom.” The text sees that person as a universal savior, so this
apocalypse affirms that the concept of “son of god” in the New Testament is
not derived from some pagan origins.
神的儿子:这是污灵并那些被邪灵附身之人的呼喊,‘你是神的儿子,’(Mr 3:11,
5:7, Lk4:41)不能被认为是一种异教的影响,这乃是昆兰文献所留给我们的称为。例如
比新约古老。本文论点一个人被称作‘神的儿子(son of God)’或‘至高者的儿子(
son of the High)’,并‘他的政权是永恒的国度(his rule will be an eternal
The Biblical theological vision closely identifies God and his Christ, the
Word Incarnate. This is the faith we find among the Apostolic Fathers and
the Ante-Nicene era.
The Epistle of Barnabas (likely written after the destruction of the Temple
in 70 AD and before rebuilding the city by Hadrian – 132- 135 AD) refers to
Christ as the Son of God who will execute the final judgment: “he will
execute judgment…he revealed himself to be God’s Son.” (5.7-9) Barnabas
repeats this idea in several places: in 7.2 he says:
作者: sCHb68 (sCHb68)   2018-03-31 09:16:00
作者: jacklin2002   2018-03-31 17:19:00
(,,・ω・,,) 老鱼回来惹!
作者: sCHb68 (sCHb68)   2018-03-31 19:32:00
作者: Pietro (☞金肃πετροσ)   2018-03-31 22:45:00
作者: neohippie (米国圣光肥鲁八嘎囧)   2018-03-31 23:08:00
作者: sCHb68 (sCHb68)   2018-04-01 00:30:00
看到这篇的标题我猜某君会误用“唯独圣经、我思、信徒皆祭司”等等概念大喊说:“基督论也是多元的,有各种不同的解释的”。科科 (^_-)
作者: theologe (表达你我的信仰~)   2018-04-01 22:43:00
作者: sCHb68 (sCHb68)   2018-04-02 00:30:00
作者: theologe (表达你我的信仰~)   2018-04-02 08:57:00
作者: sCHb68 (sCHb68)   2018-04-02 12:05:00
作者: Kangin75 (Damaris)   2018-04-02 12:08:00

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