Mobile-Assisted Chinese Learning with a Ubiquitous Game. Looking for international students! If you have interests and you are at the beginner's level, then you are the one we're looking for! Please see the detailed information of our Chinese-learning game below. (shown in the image) Come and join the game with your friends :) All cost is free! 1.The winner of the game will get award money!! 2.You’ll have a present for your join ! 3.Get a certificate of the course! Location: National Taiwan Normal University, College of Technology,Department of Graphic Arts Communication, B1 , Audiovisual Classroom 师大科技学院,图文传播系B1,视听教室 Contact Window: Candice, Huang(黄同学) Department of Graphic Arts and Communications, NTNU. =================================== 看了一下应该没有违反版规吧?>< 有得吃有得玩还有奖金跟礼物拿,欢迎大家一起来快乐学中文喔!