→ JamesCaesar: 被对手右路内切射远角,克德反应相当迟缓,超怪 1-0 09/06 19:37
→ JamesCaesar: 汤玛士下底自己蹚大了,小角度传中两点都没人碰到 09/06 19:41
→ JamesCaesar: 汤玛士前插把球顶过门将小角度空门竟然中柱..... 09/06 19:47
→ JamesCaesar: 休斯没盯好放人进禁区,再被过得一干二净打近角 2-0 09/06 19:50
→ JamesCaesar: 现在对手知道休斯很好吃了,来硬吃他这点 09/06 19:55
→ JamesCaesar: 汤玛士塞球,霍尔右路右脚传中,卡索丹顶进 2-1 09/06 19:59
→ JamesCaesar: 卡索丹好直塞,舜索贝尔单刀被门将出击破坏 09/06 20:01
→ JamesCaesar: 被左路内切弧线打远角,球速不快,克德什么都扑不到 09/06 20:04
→ JamesCaesar: 霍尔被战术犯规后动火,双方各一张黄牌... 09/06 20:14
→ JamesCaesar: HT 3-1 克德三球反应都很慢,前场除了汤玛士都在睡 09/06 20:20
→ JamesCaesar: 戴尔中场被抄球、直塞、单刀 4-1 09/06 20:34
→ JamesCaesar: 50' 马德希尔上,戴尔下,这种场合对15岁来说太早了 09/06 20:36
→ JamesCaesar: 卡索丹中路打门被扑出,第二波打门又被接住 09/06 20:40
→ JamesCaesar: 克德终于有一次扑救、这五分钟攻得还算可以 09/06 20:52
→ JamesCaesar: 一直塞球进禁区终于有效,可是舜索贝尔点球罚超烂 09/06 21:05
→ JamesCaesar: 托莱宁角球开出弹到后点,卡索丹顶进 4-2 09/06 21:08
→ JamesCaesar: 85' 小花上,斯特奇下,托莱宁去左路,这样也行 ? 09/06 21:12
→ JamesCaesar: 90' 安帕上,舜索贝尔下,根本隐形一整场,点球也烂 09/06 21:17
→ JamesCaesar: 马德希尔右路高速过两人传中,小花中路碰到没进可惜 09/06 21:20
→ JamesCaesar: FT 4-2 软趴趴,各种层面都是,至少最后20分钟还可 09/06 21:22
→ JamesCaesar: 如果不是克德表现太烂,其实也不会输那么惨 09/06 21:23
→ JamesCaesar: 伯利在现场看球,赞,看到爆炸09/06 21:38
UYL report: Dinamo U19s 4 Chelsea U19s 2
06 SEP 2022
Our Academy's UEFA Youth League campaign got off to a losing start in
Croatia where some excellent finishing from the home team gave them a
healthy 3-1 lead by half-time, which they added to soon after the
For Chelsea, the UEFA Youth League group stage mirrors the senior
Champions League so our Academy players were in action in the same city as
Thomas Tuchel's men on a sunny Tuesday afternoon in Croatia.