[消息] 耶稣会祝圣执事分享活动暨感恩礼

楼主: chigi1975 (Agatha)   2014-06-26 15:29:01
谨订于2014年6月28日〈星期六〉上午9时入场 9:20开始
恭请 洪山川总主教 为本会
阮廷庆修士 高金声修士
徐立人修士 赵晟宰修士
林文森修士 Aloysius John Bi修士
莅临参礼 共颂主恩
耶稣会中华省省会长 李骅 神父 敬邀
* 礼毕敬备简单餐点招待 *
You are Cordially invited to participate
in the Ordination to the Diaconate of
Peter Nguyen Dinh Khanh, S.J. Chrysostom B. Exaltacion, S.J.
Clement Tsui Lap-yan, S.J. Josef Cho Sung-jae, S.J.
Vincentius Haryanto, S.J. Aloysius John Bi, S.J.
Most Rev. John Hung Shan-Chuan, S.V.D., Archbishop of Taipei
9:00 A.M. on Saturday 28 June, 2014
at the Holy Family Church , Taipei.
The Chinese Province of the Society of Jesus
John Lee Hua, S.J., Provincial
There will be a reception after the ceremony.

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