[情报] 9/28 Daily Horoscope

楼主: GreenDot (绿点)   2019-09-28 00:13:59
There may be a problem to solve or a conundrum to figure out. The people who s
urround you, most likely people who are involved, may be coming up with a wide
range of complicated solutions. That could be because the issue itself is com
plicated, and they believe it will need such an approach. But you are a realis
t, Capricorn, and you have the ability to look at something and see it in its
most basic and prosaic form. You should find that a common-sense approach is t
he best bet for addressing this matter.
Copyright c Daily Horoscope
作者: superdada (国王小乌)   2019-09-28 00:51:00
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作者: chuchu512 (呼)   2019-09-28 05:56:00
作者: Gelala (舒觉)   2019-09-28 17:02:00
作者: betaku   2019-09-28 17:43:00

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