kl25082 (è²)
2019-05-23 01:47:07There has been a block or a bottleneck in your life that has stopped the
flow of good energy for a long time now, Moonchild. You could probably
feel it. You could probably see that no matter how hard you tried, you
were not making the progress that you should have been making. You may
have had theories about this. You may have blamed yourself or felt there
was a dark shadow following you around. But when things slow down,
sometimes there is a good purpose, and that has been the case for you.
This week, you should begin to feel that bottleneck open up and good
energy should begin flowing through your life again, bringing with it
opportunity and good fortune. It's about time, and you are worthy. Keep
reminding yourself of that. This week should also bring some surprising
news connected to an old friend or an old love interest. There may be some
secrets revealed and some debts paid back to you after a long time during
which you probably gave up ever getting retribution or payment for what
you were owed. This can be a landmark week in your life - one that will
usher in a wonderful, powerful change in your life. Get rested over the
weekend if you can to face the coming week at your best.