作者: phishingphi (hsnutontu) 2018-01-14 01:09:00
目前我看到的红线文字为 If a set of definesapplies to a particular piece of global data(such as a flags word), the defines should beimmediately after the data declaration orembedded in structure declarations, indented toput the defines one level deeper than the firstkeyword of the declaration to which they apply.不负责的解读成某个资料结构先宣告出来,那些相关的defines出现的位置,要嘛是在那个 data structure 后不然就是 embedded 在 structure 里面并且缩排。比如说一个 struct audit_context 用某个 enumaudit_context 表示其状态,他应该在规定那个 enum出现的次序为何enum 应该出现在那个 struct 之后或者包在 struct 内并且要缩排一层