面向海外宣传的holo meet 2023组合将于明天结束 A酱发表了2024年的成员剪影照
照片来看有kobo 好狐跟劳赎 中间两位应该是Star的,请熟的大概猜测一下是哪两位
P.S:感谢补充→ digitai1: 客家 hakka 小幽灵 rio
[BREAKING NEWS from Friend A]
hololive Meet 2023 Ambassadors Sakura Miko, Kureiji OllieIRyS
, Yukoku Roberu, and Regis Altare will be completing their
Ambassador duties this month.
Big Thank you to the 2023 Ambassadors, and thank you to everyone who
supported the hololive Meet tour!
There's a new hololive Meet Tour for 2024 with new Ambassadors. Can you guess
who they may be?