Re: [闲聊] 用ChatGPT协助写小说的实作、分析及心得

楼主: Vulpix (Sebastian)   2023-02-15 19:54:35
所以我这么问 ChatGPT:
I'm trying to write a novel about this, but I know little.
Can you help me build up how John, a just-discharged lieutenant,
attends the underground wrestling association?
(a novel about "this" 的 this 是指地下摔角的运作模式,我前面有跟他聊过。)
Sure, here is a rough outline of how John, a just-discharged lieutenant,
might attend an underground wrestling association:
John becomes interested in underground wrestling after watching some videos
online. He is drawn to the raw, intense nature of the matches and the sense
of community among the wrestlers and fans.
He starts following a few underground wrestling federations on social media
and begins to learn more about the scene. He sees that one federation, called
"The Underground Wrestling Association," is hosting an event in his city in a
few weeks.
John decides to attend the event and buys a ticket online. He is excited to
see the matches and meet other fans in person.
On the day of the event, John arrives at the venue, which is a small club in
a sketchy part of town. He sees a group of wrestlers hanging out outside and
introduces himself. They seem friendly and invite him to hang out with them
before the show starts.
John watches the matches from the front row and cheers on his favorite
wrestlers. He meets other fans and starts to feel like he is part of the
underground wrestling community.
After the event, John talks to one of the wrestlers he met earlier and
expresses his interest in getting involved in underground wrestling. The
wrestler introduces him to the promoter of the federation, who is impressed
with John's background and athleticism.
John starts training with the federation and makes his debut at a future
event. He quickly becomes a popular wrestler and starts to make a name for
himself in the underground wrestling scene.
I'd like it be more dramatical. How to make John wrestle on the day he just
get discharged?
因为他直接让某个家伙被 KO,然后让男主角顶替上场!???
Modify the story with the following character set of John:
1. John was discharged from military since he made great mistakes (due to his
bad luck).
2. John is strong and is skilled in boxing.
3. John is unyielding, stubborn and loyal.
Modify the script by the following story: In the intermission, John goes to
the bathroom and he is so excited that he starts shadow boxing. Meanwhile,
"The Rebel" rushes into the bathroom, and John knocks out "The Rebel" by
accident so that "The Rebel" could not continue wrestling.
Rewrite this story as a novel. You may use dialogues to shape the
characteristics of the characters. Remember that the opponent of John in the
wrestling match is named Mark, short but very talented. Mark is both skillful
and powerful. Mark is also careless so that he made a bad call and lost the
farm many times.
1. 设定角色。在这段故事中够用就好,所以不要太详细。
2. 决定故事结局。
3. 如果故事偏离所想可以重骰,或加入新设定再聊一次。
之前让 ChatGPT 设计的比赛流程几乎都差不多,我腻了。
作者: earldunn (yes)   2023-02-15 19:57:00
编辑你当 负责督导人工智能写作
作者: Justisaac (灰色的天空)   2023-02-15 20:02:00

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