Tickets for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker have now been available for a mat
ter of hours and the film has already broken one major record. According to a
new report, the last film in the Skywalker saga has already sold more tickets
in its first hour than Avengers: Endgame did in the same timeframe. In a new r
eport from the Observer, The Rise of Skywalker ended up selling a whopping 45
percent more tickets in the first hour on Atom Tickets than Marvel Studios' ma
ssive April blockbuster.
今天预售票的第一天的第一个小时,星战9电影的预售票成功超越了复仇者联盟 终局之战
The top five best-selling movies in the first hour of availability on Atom Tic
kets are now Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, Avengers: Endgame, Avengers: In
finity War, Star Wars: The Last Jedi, and Rogue One: A Star Wars Story.
Aton旗下首小时预售票的销售前5名,星战9 天行者的崛起,复仇者联盟 终局之战,复仇
者联盟 无限之战,星战8 最后的绝地武士,星战外传 侠盗一号