"lol i love teh bewbs"
good for you. fuck off
"lmao dumb feminazis trying to censor games"
it's not censoring. it's criticism. it's asking to be treated like goddamn people.
"you're a prude" (老古董、假正经之意)
i'm a sex-positive feminist. that means i support women's right to control over their own bodies without judgement. that does not extend to 1000 year old loli dragons designed by and for men to get their nasty rocks off.
"wHaT iF sHe ChOsE tO wEaR iT????????"
she's not fucking real you drooling bottomfeeder, she can't decide anything because she's a fictional construct!!!! she's a bunch of pixels!!!! she has no agency!!!!
"men are sexualised too"
call me when we get dick physics in video games, then we'll talk about male sexualisation.
"vote with your wallet"
gee it's almost like this is an epidemic in gaming and finding games in the genre we like, with gameplay we like, a story we like, characters we like, and no bullshit designs anywhere to be found is a fucking sisyphean task. fucking great games have this problem. skyrim? dragon age origins? boob armour. boob armour everywhere. if we voted with our wallets we wouldn't be able to play fucking anything
"my wife/girlfriend/sister/daughter/gardener/friend's cousin's sister-in-law's mother's dog's walker's chemist doesn't think it's sexist!"
then she can come on here and make an account and speak for her own damn self, can't she? assuming she actually exists, of course
"lmao typical prudish americans, in MY sexually liberated country we don't care about these things!!"
i'm not american. a vast proportion of the women in this thread are not american. this is a universal problem
"you don't speak for all women!!!!11!1!"
neither do you. now what?