seaEPC (没看见,我没看见 >_<)
2019-02-19 15:15:39※ 引述《w40w40w40w40 ()》之铭言:
: 就现在版上吵得沸沸扬扬的联合国防范二次元儿童色情草案啦
: 假如真的通过并且实施
: 现下有哪些作品有可能会被禁呢?
: 我觉得物语系列极危险啦
61. Child pornography is defined in article 2 OPSC as
“any representation of a child engaged in real or simulated explicit
sexual activities, regardless of the means used, or any representation of
the sexual parts of a child for primarily sexual purposes”
这段是OPSC( https://www.ohchr.org/EN/ProfessionalInterest/Pages/OPSCCRC.aspx )
62. The Committee urges States parties to prohibit, by law, child sexual abuse
material in any form. The Committee notes that such material is
increasingly circulating online, and strongly recommends States parties to
ensure that relevant provisions of their Criminal Codes cover all forms of
material, including when the acts listed in article 3.1(c) are committed
online and including when such material represents realistic
representations of non-existing children.
OPSC article 3.1(c)的定义是
(c) Producing, distributing, disseminating, importing, exporting, offering,
selling or possessing for the above purposes child pornography as defined
in article 2.
63. The Committee is of the view that “simulated explicit sexual activities”
should be interpreted as including any material, online or offline, that
depicts or otherwise represents any person appearing to be a child engaged
in real or simulated sexually explicit conduct and realistic and/or virtual
depictions of a child engaged in sexually explicit conduct.
Such depictions contribute to normalising the sexualisation of children
and fuels the demand of child sexual abuse material.
64. Moreover, for the reasons explained in paragraph 63, any representation of
the sexual parts of a child, including realistic images of the sexual
organs of a child, for primarily sexual purposes falls under the
definition of this offence.
Where it may be complicated to establish with certainty if a
representation is intended or used for “primarily sexual purposes”,
the Committee deems it necessary to consider the context in which it is
being used.