※ 引述《carotyao (汐止吴慷仁)》之铭言:
: ※ 引述《whe84311 (Rainsa)》之铭言:
: : https://goo.gl/dgCgj4
: : 今年才15岁,国中三年级的赖睿麒从小喜欢玩游戏机,爸爸也是任天堂红白机的研发者之一,前年寒假带着爸爸给的5万元上网找资料和面版,做出全世界最小的游戏机,因为应用层面很广,现在各国厂商抢著合作,最高授权金价码甚至喊破上亿台币。
: : 魂斗罗对战游戏,玩家对这款任天堂红白机一定不陌生,而同样的游戏,在这个像缩小灯,触控界面和萤幕通通变成掌上型游戏机。赖睿麒Ricky 今年刚升国三,却是全球最小游戏机的开发者。最小游戏机开发者赖睿麒:“这4个按键它就相较于这台GameBoy的4个按键。”
: 我有个问题
: 赖溱君,康乃尔大学计算机科学研究所工程硕士(1994),淡江大学电子计算机科学学
: 系毕(1990),师大附中560班,平镇国中(1983),四维国小(1980)。步入中年的标准生活
: 风格:修行、养生,知天命、顺天命,回顾、精进,努力累积造福大众的能力中。
: Nintendo Entertainment System
: JP: July 15, 1983
: 就算是FC是1980就研发的好了
: 爸爸是小学毕业就在任天堂工作了嘛..............
Nintendo Electronic Co. (Chinese: 任天堂电子有限公司) or NTDEC was a
Taiwanese manufacturer of video game cartridges, accessories and original
games for the NES and Famicom. They also manufactured Famicom to NES
converters to play Famicom games on the NES. The company was founded in 1983
(according to the Asder official website), but in the 80's its activities
were and are still today unknown.
NTDEC produced a large number of unlicensed copies of games between 1989 and
1991, which were sold in Asia and in the United States via mail order.
Unusual among counterfeit cartridge manufacturers, NTDEC cartridges are often
identifiable by the company logo on the cartridge and the in-game copyright
noticed modified to read "NTDEC", as well as the rear label featuring a green
"QUALITY GUARANTY" [sic] stripe. Legal action was brought against the company
by Nintendo in 1993 for its activities in the US,[1] as well as its use of
the "Nintendo" trademark in its company name.[2]