Re: [法语] 佛法在世间

楼主: kissung (天堂鸦)   2025-02-07 10:24:00
83 万佛信箱
The Mailbox of the 10,000 Buddhas
The Buddha Dharma should be applied in the daily life
问:请教上人,我们学习佛法是应该整天躲在家里或寺庙里,拜佛、 念佛;以求他日往
Q: May I ask Venerable Master, when we study the Buddha Dharma, should we just
stay at home or a temple, bowing to the Buddha or reciting Buddha’s name all
day long, and hope that we will receive the response from the Buddha and Bodh
isattvas to take us to the Western Land of Ultimate Bliss when we die? Or shou
ld we apply the Buddha Dharma in our daily life? Which is more important?
拜佛也不能到东方!因为你的脾气把你拉住了,无明把你压住了 。所以要去你的毛病、
VM: We should apply it in our daily life. However, we should keep ourselves pu
re, not defiled. If you can be pure, void of false thoughts or even desires, a
nd your life is normal, that is the Buddha Dharma. If you bow to the Buddha an
d recite Buddha’s name every day, wishing to be reborn in the Western Land of
Ultimate Bliss; but you always want to quarrel with people and have a huge te
mper, this is useless. You will never reach the Western Pure Land or Eastern L
and even if you recite Buddha’s name or bow to the Buddha. Because your tempe
r is holding you down and your ignorance is pressing you down. Therefore, you
should get rid of your bad habits, ignorance, temperament, afflictions, and te
mper. Only when you’re working on these, are you truly applying your effort.
(translated by Qin Rui Yu)

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