kissung (天堂鸦)
2024-10-09 09:01:1882. 心不可一日无喜神 (a)
The Mind Cannot Function for a Day Without Joy
Dharma Talk Given by the Venerable Master on February 6, 1994 at the Internati
onal Translation Institute
How should we be happy? We must always be content in our self-nature, as it is
said, “Contentment brings happiness; patience leads to peace.”
Contentment Brings Happiness
各位善知识,Happy New Year!我也学祖教授向你们早祝新年快乐!我们新年快乐了,旧
To all good friends, Happy New Year! I’m learning from Professor Zu in wishin
g everyone a happy new year in advance! We will be happy in the new year, but
what about the old year - were we happy or not? We must be happy every year, e
very month, every day, even down to every single moment. Happiness does not co
me from just eating a bit of tasty food, wearing fancy clothes, buying a prett
y car, or buying a nice house.
How should we be happy? We must always be content in our self-nature, as it is
said, “Contentment brings happiness; patience leads to peace.” Contentment
brings abundance. We must be content with everything at all times. We humans h
ave more wisdom, intelligence, and awareness than animals. In all manners we a
re superior to animals, and so we should know to be content. Being content, we
’ll be happy and free of afflictions. (Translated by Bo Han Zhu)