kissung (天堂鸦)
2024-08-29 07:42:1980. 改过迁善最吉祥
Changing for the Better is Most Auspicious
Dharma Talk Given by the Venerable Master on January 2, 1994 at The Internatio
nal Translation Institute
When people’s tempers gathered together, they become atomic bombs, hydrogen b
ombs, and death rays.
Bad tempers gathered together become bombs
Everyone, I wish you a happy new year! Do not be sad or cry in the new year. T
hen this is a sign of an auspicious year. The whole year will be favorable and
auspicious, all things will occur as you please, and all your wishes will com
e true. However, if you lose your temper, become hateful, jealous, or obstruct
ive, all auspicious things will become inauspicious. Therefore, in this year,
everyone should get rid of your temper.
If everyone of us can get rid of our bad temper, there will be no violent ener
gy in the world, and the detrimental power of atomic bombs will be lessened, s
o will the power of hydrogen bombs, even death ray will lose its effect. If ev
eryone refrains from losing their temper, atomic bombs, hydrogen bombs, and de
ath rays will all lose their powers. Because we have a hot temper, it explodes
whenever certain circumstances occur. When people’s tempers gathered togethe
r, they become atomic bombs, hydrogen bombs, and death rays. Since you have a
big temper, there will be things with bigger tempers than yours; as a result,
the world suffers.
If you do not lose your temper, you will be full of joy all the time. However,
if you are gloomy and angry, oppress others with your power, or harm others i
n some ways, this will trigger the explosion of atomic bombs, hydrogen bombs o
r death rays. If you want to avoid the calamity of atomic bombs, hydrogen bomb
s or death rays, then you must refrain from losing your temper.
(translated by Qin Rui Yu)