Re: [求助] 可以在结帐或者点完餐就把钱掏出来吗?

楼主: KirimaSyaro (桐间纱路)   2019-11-20 11:54:14
在费曼自传<<别闹了, 费曼先生>>有一章叫<you just ask them?> <你就直接问她们>
说他遇到一个把妹高手教他的事 不要在女生答应跟你做爱以前请她们任何东西
其中一段就是费曼帮女生付钱买三明治 然后女生说要回去旅馆要跟他道别
I stop suddenly and I say to her, “You … are worse than a WHORE!” “
Whaddya mean?” “You got me to buy these sandwiches, and what am I going to
get for it? Nothing!” “Well, you cheapskate!” she says. “If that’s the
way you feel, I’ll pay you back for the sandwiches!” I called her bluff: “
Pay me back, then.” She was astonished. She reached into her pocketbook,
took out the little bit of money that she had and gave it to me. I took my
sandwich and coffee and went off. After I was through eating, I went back to
the bar to report to the master. I explained everything, and told him I was
sorry that I flunked, but I tried to recover. He said very calmly, “It’s
OK, Dick; it’s all right. Since you ended up not buying her anything, she’s
gonna sleep with you tonight.”
※ 引述《chen96374 (北极星的鼻涕)》之铭言:
: 如题表示
: 正常约会
: 不是要约妳跑 我也没要妳女生请
: 聊天时说得多加分 说跟前任都AA
: 不要都吃完我也结完帐付完钱了
: 已经出来散步了 才在路上问我
: 那今天饭钱怎么算
: 我是要光头白日在路上跟妳算钱腻
: 还不是只能客气说下次再回请就好
: 马的 上次还是我请的勒
: 说的都人情义理
: 做得都伤天害理啦

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