※ 引述《Wangdy (蒙古人)》之铭言:
: https://heroespatchnotes.com/patch/2019-10-15-balance-update.html
: 呃~ 有人能支援中文的网址吗? 我一时找不到
: General
: The Scarlet Heist: Daily Quests
: Mobsters are back! After completing the Scarlet Heist quest line, a set of
: three new daily special event quests will be available.
: Using a Special Event dialog, you can choose one of those three quests and
: complete it for a Scarlet Heist Chest reward, once a day, until the event
: ends on December 3rd, 2019, PST.
: New Feature: Hero Mastery Rings
: A lot of you may remember the old 'Mastery Skins' and we are excited to bring
: back another way for players to show off their mastery of individual Heroes.
: With today's patch, players will be able to spend 5,000 gold to purchase
: augmented Hero Rings for any Hero over the levels of 15 (Level 1) and 25
: (Level 2). These Mastery Rings are permanent when purchased and will be
: placed over the top of the normal Hero Ring, becoming visible to all players
: while in a match. We are extremely excited to know what you think about these
: and appreciate hearing any feedback you have on them!
: Heroes
: Diablo Artanis Ana Qhira Junkrat
: Rexxar Deckard Li-Ming
: Varian Li Li
: Lt. Morales
: Malfurion
: Whitemane
: Tank
: Diablo
: Stats
: Health increased from 2670 to 2825.
: Abilities
: Black Soulstone [Trait]
: Bonus Health reduced from 0.4% to 0.3% per Soul.
: Talents
: Level 10
: Apocalypse [R1]
: Mana cost reduced from 100 to 50.
: Developer Comment: Diablo, surprisingly, is one of the lowest winning Heroes
: in the game. That doesn't mean that he's not extremely powerful at times or
: unpopular, so we don't feel the need to make drastic changes right now.
: However, we are making a few small adjustments to make him better when he's
: behind in a game by increasing his Health until he's around 75 Souls. To
: allow Diablo to more commonly attempt to land his entire combo with
: Apocalypse, we're reducing the Mana cost. Interestingly, Apocalypse is chosen
: a lot more often, but is actually a 5% lower win rate, so we want to make the
: Heroic win more without drastically shifting the perception of its power.
: Artanis
: Talents
: Level 10
: Purifier Beam [R2]
: Movement Speed increased from 3 to 3.2.
: Developer Comment: The Movement Speed changes hurt the ability for Purifier
: Beam to stick to a target a little more than most abilities. When increasing
: Movement Speed of Heroes, we knew that Abilities would be more difficult to
: land which would require players to adjust, but Purifier Beam doesn't allow
: you to aim differently. That being said, Purifier Beam is still very
: comparable to Suppression Pulse in terms of pick rate and win rate, so we
: think a very small adjustment is in order.
: Rexxar
: Abilities
: Mend Pet [E]
: Mana cost increased from 55 to 60.
: Talents
: Level 1
: Easy Prey [Passive]
: Damage bonus against Mercenaries and Minions reduced from 200% to 150%.
: Flare [Active]
: Cast range increased from 15 to 25.
: Level 4
: Hunter-Gatherer [Passive]
: Bonus Healing Regeneration reduced from 1.25 to 1 per second per Regeneration
: Globe.
: Maximum stacks increased from 20 to 25.
猎人采集 额外回血任务需要层数增加,能力不变
: Developer Comment: Rexxar, while a niche Hero, is overperforming compared to
: his competitors. We don't think we need to nerf him too much (in spite of his
: 57%+ win rate), but he has room for another small nudge in the downward
: direction. We're targeting a few of his Talents that are much more powerful
: than the other choices on the tier so encourage a variety of Talent
: selections too (though this is secondary to trying to provide an overall nerf
: to the Hero).
: Varian
: Talents
: Level 1
: Overpower [W]
: Bonus damage increased from 30% to 40%.
: Level 4
: Taunt [R1]
: Health and Health Regeneration bonuses increased from 30% to 40%.
: Twin Blades of Fury [R3]
: Base Attack Damage reduction increased from 20% to 25%.
: Level 7
: Lionheart [Q]
: Healing bonus increased from 50% to 75%.
: Level 16
: Banner of Stormwind [Active]
: Cooldown reduced from 45 to 25 seconds.
: Banner of Dalaran [Active]
: Cooldown reduced from 45 to 25 seconds.
: Level 20
: Glory to the Alliance [Passive]
: Banner cooldown reduction changed from 20 seconds to 50%.
喂了柠檬的农药 - 旗子冷却再减半
好了,你们现在有持续12秒冷却12.5秒的跑速旗跟法伤旗了 (护甲旗22.5秒
: Developer Comment: Twin Blades is outperforming compared to other options, so
: we're slightly reducing its power and increasing the power of Taunt to
: incentivize Varian players to try tanking for their team more often. We're
: also buffing a slew of under-used talents which should give Varian players
: more options to consider when deciding how to build the hero.
双刀比其他选项表现还好,所以我们稍微做了点 "平衡"
: Healer
: Ana
: Abilities
: Shrike [Trait]
: Healing from Shrike damage from 50 to 60%.
: Talents
: Level 1
: Vampiric Rounds [Trait]
: Bonus Shrike Heal from stacking 5 Doses from 1.5% to .75%.
: Added second reward:
: Increase Shrike's Heal by .25% for every Basic Attack against Heroes that
: have 5 Doses.
: Slumber Shells [E]
: Additional functionality: Reduce the cooldown of Sleep Dart by 4 seconds.
: Level 7
: Night Terrors [E]
: No longer reduces Sleep Dart cooldown.
: Modified functionality: Gain 25% Movement for 2 seconds for every Hero hit by
: Sleeping Dart. When a Hero wakes, they take 10% of their maximum Health in
: damage.
不会再减低睡眠标冷却,效果改成睡眠标每命中一个人加跑速25% 2秒
: Developer Comment: Ana was one of the Heroes most affected by the Movement
: Speed change a few patches ago. We have been waiting to see where she
: stabilized at and are ready to give her some buffs to help bring her back to
: where she should be. On top of a small baseline Healing increases, we wanted
: to remove the awkwardness of the way Vampiric Rounds asked players to
: constantly target swap after 5 Shrike stacks.
: Deckard
: Abilities
: Healing Potion [Q]
: Now displays its impending AoE to allies while the missile is in flight.
: Fortitude of the Faithful [Trait]
: Radius increased from 5.5 to 6.5.
特性 范围增加
: Talents
: Level 1/4/7
: Gems [Active/W]
: Added functionality: Increases the damage of the unleashing Horadric Cube by
: 100%.
所有宝石起动的时候都会增加W伤害100% (不知道能不能叠
: Level 4
: Ruby [Active/W]
: Cooldown reduced from 30 to 20 seconds.
: Trigger radius of Lesser Healing Potions increased from .5 to 1 (matching
: base potions).
: Level 20
: Perfect Gems [Active/W]
: Now reduces the cooldown of all Gem talents to 5 seconds, instead of a flat
: 25 second reduction.
完美宝石 现在让所有宝石天赋缩到5秒
: Developer Comment: Our favorite old man is still lagging behind his healer
: friends, despite the suite of buffs he's seen in the past few patches. Rather
: than pushing his numbers even higher, we're giving him a boost to general
: usability by making his potions display their impact location before they
: land and increasing the area in which his trait will function. Additionally,
: we're giving the various gem talents a bit of damage to make them more
: attractive options overall.
我们最爱的老人 巴ㄌ巴拉
: Li Li
: Talents
: Level 4
: Hindering Winds [W]
: Moved to level 13.
: Slow duration increased from 1.5 to 2 seconds.
很难走的风 移到13级,缓速变2秒
: Level 13
: Surging Winds [W]
: Moved to level 4.
: Cooldown reduction reduced from 3 to 2 seconds.
很凶的风 移到4级,冷却降低剩2秒
: Developer Comment: Hindering Winds was a bit too effective compared to the
: other options available at level 4. Rather than nerfing it into oblivion,
: we're swapping its position with Surging Winds at level 13. This should open
: up her talent options a little bit and give us room to make further
: adjustments to the rest of her kit in the future.
: Lt. Morales
: Talents
: Level 7
: Vanadium Plating [W]
: New Functionality: Increases the duration of Safeguard by 1 second. While the
: target is Stunned or Rooted, Safeguard's armor value is increased to 50.
板 增加w效果1秒,当被保护的目标被定身或绑住,额外给20%护甲
: Prolonged Safeguard [W]
: Removed.
: New Talent - Medi-Drone [W]
: Allies with Safeguard receive 50% of the healing done by Healing Beam on
: other targets.
新天赋,补血的时候会顺便补有W防护的人 50%治疗量
: Developer Comment: Prolonged Safeguard was not a very exciting talent pick
: and its increased duration bonus was redundant against Vanadium Plating's
: duration increasing mechanic. We decided to consolidate these mechanics onto
: one talent and explore offering an entirely new mechanic for the other. This
: new replacement, Medi-Drone, gives a limited amount of multi-target healing,
: something Lt. Morales was previously lacking and often requested in your
: feedback.
: Malfurion
: Abilities
: Entangling Roots [E]
: Cooldown reduced from 14 to 12 seconds.
: Mana cost reduced from 75 to 65.
E树根 buff冷却跟耗魔
: Innervate [Trait]
: Cooldown reduced from 30 to 25 seconds.
启动 buff冷却
: Developer Comment: To help Malfurion be a little more competitive with other
: Healers, we're giving him some small base buffs to parts of his kit that
: motivate teams to pick him over his alternatives.
: Whitemane
: Stats
: Basic Attack
: Damage increased from 55 to 62.
: Abilities
: Clemency [Active]
: Mana cost removed.
: Additional functionality: Removes 1 stack of Desperation.
: Inquisition [W]
: Additional functionality: Removes 1 stack of Desperation.
: Zeal [Trait]
: Added functionality: Activate to increase your Spell Power by 25% and reduce
: your Armor by 25 for 5 seconds. 60 second cooldown.
狂热可以启动,能增加法伤25%并且降低自己护甲25% 5秒 cd60s
: Talents
: Level 10
: Scarlet Aegis [R1]
: Cooldown reduced from 90 to 70 seconds.
血色庇护冷却降低 (我看台版说明没改不知道有没有动到
: Level 13
: Saintly Greatstaff [Trait]
: New functionality: Hitting an enemy with Searing Lash marks them for 3
: seconds. Basic Attacks against a marked target deal an additional 75 damage
: and consume the mark.
: Level 20
: New Talent – Guiding Light [Active]
: Activate to grant target ally a permanent Zeal. Only one target can have this
: at a time.
: Developer Comment: We have been actively listening to player feedback on the
: recent rework to Whitemane, and are making some changes to her to address
: them. Overall, her Talent Tree seems to be in a much healthier spot, and with
: the addition of some new baseline mechanics, we are hoping that she now feels
: closer to the Scarlet Inquisitor we all know and love!
: Qhira
: Talents
: Level 1
: Finishing Touch [Passive]
: Modified functionality: Gain 15% Basic Attack damage. When you Basic Attack a
: Hero below 50% Health, gain an additional 15% Basic Attack damage and 35%
: Attack Speed for 3 seconds.
: Developer Comment: Qhira continues to sit in a really Healthy spot overall,
: but Finishing Touch was well being well out-performed by her other Level 1
: Talents. We are hoping that this buff helps equalize the Talent Tier!
: Junkrat
: Stats
: Health increased from 1350 to 1425.
: Health Regeneration increased from 2.813 to 2.969.
: Talents
: Level 4
: Boom Pow [W]
: Cooldown reduction increased from 8 to 9 seconds.
W炸到人减cd 8->9
: Level 7
: Big As [E]
: Armor reduction increased from 10 to 15.
夹子夹到人扣护甲 (7等扣15赞喔
: Level 10
: Rocket Ride [R2]
: Damage increased from 815 to 890.
: Developer Comment: From a balance perspective Junkrat's recent changes have
: been fairly successful. His talent pick and win rates are in a much healthier
: spot, and these follow-up changes are meant to even out his talents and
: slightly increase his power level.
一点点炸弹鼠 (直接变OP角了好吗,还稍微"slightly"哩
: Li-Ming
: Stats
: Health increased from 1232 to 1270.
: Health Regeneration increased from 2.57 to 2.65
: Talents
: Level 1
: Astral Presence [Passive]
: Removed.
: Force Armor [Q]
: Additional functionality: Mana regeneration is increased by 100% while below
: 35% maximum Mana.
: Level 4
: Triumvirate [W]
: Additional functionality: Max range Arcane Orbs also refund 40 Mana.
: Developer Comment: Li-Ming continues to be slightly lower performing than we
: would like, so these changes are directed at giving her a small survivability
: buff as well as a couple tweaks to under-performing Talents.