ANZ(澳洲 & 新西兰)Launch Event 直接撷取Q&A重点(大概吧) Q: When will we see a female Diablo skin? she is in the cinematic! are we going to get her? A: Yes! she is on the way, but no date so soon(tm). 问:会不会出莉亚布罗skin?毕竟当初释出的影片中有出现她。 答:YES!但还没有确切日期,总之coming s∞n (怕有人误会暴雪的coming s∞n,这边不是指真的coming soon…;用梗用得这么失败…) Q: Will we ever have ingame voice chat? A: Yes, ingame voice chat is currently being worked on internally and we expect it to be live before the end of this year. 问:以后游戏内是否会有内建的语音聊天? 答:YES,正在赶工中,希望能在年终时尽快上架。 Q: When will we see more StarCraft 2 heroes? There is hardly any! A: More StarCraft 2 heroes are in the works now and we plan to have them out by the end of the year. Chris also made note that personally he thinks Artanis would make a good addition to the Nexus (but this is not confirmation of him being added). 问:什么时候会有更多的星海2英雄? 答:星海2的英雄已经开始做了,打算在今年年终前能推出。Chris(好像是executive producer)认为Artanis放进万象界域内还不错(不过还没证实是否真的会做Artanis) 另外还有3个Q&A没翻,我觉得不是很重要。 大概就是: 检举的问题、团队联赛ban pick数量增加与否、配对机制…。 更多详情就请自行去看来源连结内的内容了 coming s∞n source: